Bruce's Woof Page

HI! My name is Bruce. I live with my Hu-mom, Jamie and her cat, Amanda.

I'm an Airedale Terrier. Mom got me through Airedale Rescue and Adoption here in Pennsylvania.

I thought I'd take you through a typical day at my house. Mom works, so my favorite times are when she gets home and weekends. This is me with my toy, Squeakie.

I try to guard my place against all the little furries!

My favorite place is my park, but I let other people share it. I let all sorts of people walk, run, and bike by. I let horses here too, but I make sure to check out every dog that tries to use my park!

When we get home from the park, I'm usually pretty tired,

but sometimes I let mom rest on the couch too!

I go to doggie school, too, but Mom won't let me play with all the dogs there, so it's not much fun. Mom says I'm doing well, though, and I just love getting treats, so I guess I'll let her take me.

I'll try to update my pages soon, but Mom takes forever to get pictures of me developed!

Woof you later!

NEW!! See me on vacation.

Visit my friends!:
Indiana (who has some REALLY neat pages!)
Misha & April
Casey and Reggie

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