Granny's Guestbook

Glad you came to visit. I'll stop by to visit you soon.

Total: 11 guests
Name: Patrick
Website: title, schmitle. Who needs one?
Referred by: From Geocities
From: All over the place.
Time: 1997-04-06 10:19:00
Comments: Granny--thanks for the email! Nice place here. You're welcome to use anything from my page, and I'll work on the ring thingee. take care, Patrick ps. My mom went to school in Columbia and most of her family lives in Charleston. ppss. down with lpage! :>

Name: Kathleen Buchanan
Website: Kathleen B's Home Page
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Salisbury, NC
Time: 1997-03-14 19:56:00
Comments: Hi Granny, I'm a granny, too. We are neighbors in Geocities and in the Carolinas, too. Your page is beautiful. I love its look and your links. Please visit me when you have time.

Name: Laurie Moyer
Website: A Passion for Parrots
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Pa
Time: 1997-03-14 18:53:00
Comments: hi granny...what a lovely page..:) I'm just cruzin around geo meeting my fellow homesteaders!!

Name: Whit
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1997-02-18 00:25:00
Comments: Whew! Well, Wonder of wonders, let the bells ring out and the banners fly, it's too good to be true but I finally made to your page?site?whateveryacallit. I actually made it once earlier today but when I tried to sign your book, I got a message about something being too busy. Anyway, here I am. After months of effort for us both and lots of money for you, this quiet victory occurs after midnight, just missing presidents day, and nearly a quarter of a year since it began. LOVE your page art, it's wonderful. Freindly, nurturing, and quite professional looking in a discreetly understated kind of way; very cool, my compliments! I can see I've got a lot to learn and a long way to go. Anyway, with beer in hand I salute this momentous hook-up, your patience, and my perserverance, and let the good times roll. See you in cyberspace or whatever they say! I love you, Whit

Name: Whit (better late than never) Clifton
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: God only knows
Time: 1997-02-17 23:23:00
Comments: Whew! I suppose this qualifies as a momentous occasion if ever there was one. Months of effort for us both and lots of your money, and here I am at last. Gawd! I LOVE your page?site?whateveryacallit; most impresive indeed. Tho it's the only one I've ever seen, I'm confident it's safe to say it's outstanding! Warm, friendly, and remarkably professional in a tastfull and discretely understated kinda way. Good for you, and boy do I have a long way to go. I assume I can print a copy of it but will attempt that later, I want to enjoy the accomplishment of getting thru to Granny's Garden without further frustrations or confusion. With beer in hand I offer salute to you for patience and to me for perservering, and close with one final Whew! I love you, Whit

Name: Audrey
Website: Audrey's Homepage
Referred by: From Geocities
From: South Carolina
Time: 1997-02-16 11:00:00
Comments: Hey, just realized you didn't have a signature from me so here it is! Looking better everyday.

Name: mikamom
Website: Natural Living
Referred by: From Geocities
From: the little blue marble
Time: 1997-02-12 17:53:00
Comments: Hey mom just checking to see if this is working ok.

Name: Linda Santelices
Website: Linda's SWE Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Moon PA
Time: 1997-02-11 18:33:00
Comments: What a nice, quaint, beautiful page!! GREAT WORK!! Greetings from the Moon, Moon Township Pennsylvania, that is!! HEHEHE

Name: Kelley Pichinte
Website: Kelley's Homepage!!/Homepage Of Angels!!
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Time: 1997-02-10 12:50:00

Hello Granny!!!
This is a wonderful place.....very comfy!!!:0)
You have made your garden a fun place to visit!!

Please stop by and sign my guestbook!!!

Name: Elvir Crnic
Website: Don't die young :)))))) joke granny
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Holland - ( origin. Bosnia)
Time: 1997-02-09 04:03:00
Comments: Nice work granny !! I am really proud of you - even a computer expert (u said that) i couldn't do better (not even that). Wish u all the best ur VR grandson Elvir

Name: Liselotte
Website: My WARM Home Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Sweden
Time: 1997-01-20 11:05:00
Lovely page!

Total: 11 guests