1 box applesauce raisin or spice cake mix
eggs, light vegetable oil and applesauce (measure to package directions, using applesauce in place of water)
1-1/2 cup each:
dried chopped dates (I like the kind that are sugar coated so they won't stick together)
raisins, light or dark (or mix'em up if you wish)
pecans, chopped in large pieces (you can use walnuts instead)
1 large jar maraschino cherries, drained and placed on a paper towel to absorb excess moisture
Preheat oven to 325 F. Put the fruit and nuts into a bowl and dust with flour. Grease and flour 2 large loaf pans or 6 mini-pans. Prepare cake mix according to package directions except you will use the applesauce in place of the water and oil. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Pour into loaf pans. Place a pan of water on bottom rack of oven and cakes on rack above. Bake until cake pulls away from pan and top is golden brown. (Time will depend on size of pans used.) Spoon spiced rum over cooled cakes and seal with foil. Store in cool place for 2 weeks or longer. More rum may be added every day or so to improve flavor and prevent spoilage.
OK... that's all there is to it. Let me know how it turns out. Just leave a note in the mailbox!