If you offer your compassion to the hungry And satisfy the famished creature Then shall your light shine in darkness And your gloom shall be like noonday ~Isaiah 58:10

Hello and Welcome!

For most of us, the Holidays are a time to think of those less fortunate, and to share a little of the things we take for granted. But when the season is past, the poor people of the world are still hungry, homeless or ill. It is important, I think, to keep the spirit of the season going all through the year. It is not always easy to do this so I have chosen one month of the year, other than December, the keep the spirit alive. This is the month in which I was born. I hope many of you will also celebrate your birthday by giving a gift to someone who is in need.

I have listed here a few organizations to help you make that gift. There are also many local organizations, not listed here, that can be found through these links or from other sources such as your house of worship, local government agencies, or even the yellow pages of your local phone book.

It is my hope that everyone who reads this will follow at least one link or follow one lead to provide at least one meal for a hungry person in their community or in the world. Bon apetite!

World Vision International
A Vision For A Better World
The Hunger Project
Empowering Self-reliance for a world free from hunger.
World Hunger Year (WHY)
WHY Continues to ask the single most important question about poverty and hunger worldwide and especially in America - the richest of all nations: WHY?
MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger
Mazon is the Hebrew word for food. Contributions to MAZON are granted to a broad spectrum of nonprofit organizations confronting hunger in the US and around the world.
World Hunger Program
The Alan Shawn Feinstein World Hunger Program (WHP) at Brown University combines research, education, and recognition to address long-term problems of hunger.
The Salvation Army
And who hasn’t seen these wonderful people who seem only visible during the holidays, yet work 365 days a year to help the hungry and homeless people of the world.

Impact Online
Here is an excellent resource to help you to put your good intentions into action.

There is only one God and He is God to all:
therefore it is important that everyone is seen as equal before God.
~ Mother Teresa ~

Wishing you and yours the very best.
May you have Peace, Love, and Happiness always and all ways.

The buttons, bars, and icon were created by Celesteat Celeste's Place.

Email me with any questions or comments you may have. I would love to hear from you.

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