My Daughter in Natural Living
If you believe that Natural is the only way to live... this page is for you.
My Daughter in Harmony
Many good links for Panic and Anxiety Disorders... plus more!
My Daughter in the Secret Garden
This daughter is currently off line for a while. She has her hands full with my brand new Granddaughter!
My Daughter "Audrey's Homepage"
My youngest daughter... you will find many interesting things here... check it out!
My traveling buddy in Yemassee's Lodge
Come visit and learn more about Native Americans.
My best "Cyber Buddy" at Shydy's Place
A good friend of mine who lives in Spain
A new friend who lives in Isreal.
A truely warm and kind human being with a wonderful sense of humor.
Visit Thog's World.
Thog is a good friend and all around nice guy from Canada.
Dzemo and his family live in the Seattle area... come visit him and learn about some of the folks on the #bosnia channel.
Wire lives in the Cincinatti area... he has taught me a lot in the time I have been on irc.
The #familyroom Channel
Here is my virtual family... one of the nicest groups of people you will ever find on irc.
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