These are more Jeffrey Rogers photos showing the remains of THE STRAITS OF MACKINAC as she lay grounded in Kewaunee, Wisconsin.


Engine Room


Coal Bunker



Via Jeffrey Rogers--

As you know, the remains of the vessel have been moored in Kewaunee, Wisconsin since mid-1994. In Spring of 2000, Neptune's Nimrods (a Green-Bay area scuba diving club) began a project to sink the ship for use as an instructional and recreational dive site. Those efforts continued until May of 2002, at which time the Kewaunee marina was sold. The new owner required removal of The Straits within thirty days as a condition of the sale. In order to move the vessel, a Coast Guard inspection would be required, a tug hired, and use of some 200 feet of water frontage obtained at another port. Towing costs were estimated between ten and fifteen thousand dollars with additional costs for an unspecified mooring time prior to moving the ship to the sinking site.

Neptune's Nimrods did not have the means to relocate the vessel in the thirty day time frame so other options had to be explored. Initial efforts included contacting people and agencies in Michigan in the hope that THE STRAITS OF MACKINAC could be returned to her namesake waters for sinking at the underwater shipwreck preserve. Nimrod club members felt this would be an appropriate resting place but no replies were received. After several weeks of discussion, a Chicago area dive club was given ownership of the vessel. Preparations were made to move the ship to Chicago. Communications between the Chicago club and the Marina representative were at times random and sporadic, but by late June the Chicago club had raised the money needed to tow the vessel from Kewaunee. THE STRAITS OF MACKINAC is now moored at a Chicago dock awaiting a tentative sinking date in mid-August. The proposed deployment site is nine miles east of the Navy Pier in about 80 feet of water. Chicago club members stated that they will have the necessary permits in time and that the few remaining tasks on board will be completed without delay.


Captain Bob Schak recently sent these copyrighted photos of THE STRAITS OF MACKINAC in Chicago. The sinking of the vessel was tentatively slated for October 28. As of November 15, the ship was ready for sinking just as soon as the waves were no more than 3 feet high. As this was being written there were at least 5 to 8 foot seas in the area.


You can read the complete story concerning its final trip to the bottom of Lake Michigan at Neil Schultheiss's web site GREATLAKES AND SEAWAY SHIPPING. Click on NEWS CHANNEL and scan to 04/11 and 04/12.

Mike Patton, one of many volunteers preparing the vessel for sinking, wears a mask as protection against the dust created by their endeavors.

For more pictures of THE STRAITS OF MACKINAC in Chicago CLICK HERE.

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