This home once stood on the north side of Maple, three doors east of the Grand Trunk Ry. which at that time ran along what is now Woodward Ave. in Birmingham, Michigan. The location was about where the main entrance to Krogers is presently situated. The house was built under the direction of my grandfather, Edward R. Smith, Sr., who operated a large lumber and coal yard on property now used by Alban's Restaurant. He even made a special trip to northern Michigan's timber country in order to purchase very fine wood for use in the home's construction. After it was completed, it was purchased by my great grandfather, William H. Smith, who is shown on the right in the above picture. On the left is my great grandmother, the former Rachel G. Hagerman.

Directly west of the Grand Trunk Railway's Birmingham Depot that was then located on the northwest corner of Maple and Woodward, stood the home of William Smith's son, Edward. His wife, my grandmother, the former Zilpha Nichols Bayley, is shown standing on the front steps. My father, Edward R. Smith, Jr., who passed away in 1998 at the age of 99 years, 11 months, was born in this house.

The above two pictures date back to approximately 1906.

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