Probably the last hand fired steamer on the Great Lakes, the railroad car ferry CHIEF WAWATAM is seen here at its dock in St. Ignace, Michigan. This photo was snapped on a day in August, 1946 after the boat had just arrived from Mackinaw City, Michigan carrying the morning passenger train which would soon head out toward Marquette, Michigan. DULUTH, SOUTH SHORE AND ATLANTIC engine No. 556 is unloading the CHIEF.
This ice breaking vessel, capable of carrying 22 fully loaded freight cars, was designed by Frank E. Kirby, builder of many other Great Lakes vessels including the TASHMOO and PUT-IN-BAY. The CHIEF'S keel was laid in Toledo, Ohio on June 1, 1911. Its hull was launched on August 26. The completed vessel headed for St. Ignace, Michigan October 16, 1911. It arrived there at noon, October 18.
Now cut down to a heavy duty freight carrying barge, the CHIEF once boasted a classic old fashioned deep throated steam whistle. If you have a REAL ONE PLAYER on your computer you can actually listen to that whistle which was a familiar sound to residents of Mackinaw City and St. Ignace, Michigan for over 60 years. BLOW THE WHISTLE HERE and you'll see what I mean.
(Please note: If you can't hear the CHIEF'S whistle, go to and download the FREE REAL ONE PLAYER.)
Our family often referred to New York Central Engine No. 7885 as little chuff-chuff. It could be heard all over Mackinaw City during the night as it loaded and unloaded the CHIEF. It would move a couple of car lengths going chuff-chuff-chuff and then stop and wait for switches to be thrown so that it could couple onto cars on another track aboard the CHIEF. This kept the weight distributed fairly evenly on the ferry and prevented it from listing or tilting too much during the loading and unloading process. The above photo of 7885 was also taken on August 11, 1951 at Mackinaw City. The two flatcars ahead of the engine were idlers which could go onto the CHIEF without overloading the boat, as might happen if the heavy locomotive, itself, went aboard the vessel.
Unless it was heading to the shipyard in Manitowoc, Wisconsin for maintenance, The CHIEF spent most of its days shuttling freight and passenger cars between Mackinaw City and St. Ignace. The PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD and NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD both served Mackinaw City. The DULUTH, SOUTH SHORE AND ATLANTIC and later the SOO LINE served St. Ignace.
A very effective ice breaker, the CHIEF ran year 'round between these two rail terminals.
© 2003, Jack Tiggleman
If you wish to see more pictures of this unique old vessel visit Jesse Sweeney's site devoted entirely to the CHIEF WAWATAM at
Or if you'd rather do so, go back toTHE INDEX PAGE.