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Archives from the year 2006

Jimmy Fleming (Editor, Reporter, Janitor)


New assistant administrator hired for Tyrrell County, Willie Mack Carawan Jr.

14th Annual Scuppernong River Festival goes on in rainy conditions.

Charlie Ogletree Jr tapped as Grand Marshal for 14th River Festival Parade.

CHS Class of 1970 held its 35th reunion at the Eastern 4H Center.

CHS Class of 1960 held its 45th reunion at the Eastern 4H Center.

Senator Richard Burr visits Tyrrell County at the Eastern 4H Center.

Shirly Swain, Director of The Tyrrell County Board of Elections dies after battle with cancer.

Darryl Liverman elected chairman of Tyrrell County Board of Education.

Pettigrew Regional Library System celebrates 50th anniversary.

Pocosin Arts Folk School receives $1,000,000 grant.

Tyrrell County Schools begin new school year!

Tyrrell County Chamber of Commerce greets Ken Mann, producer of the TV series "I Love Calling NC Home."

The 14th Annual Scuppernong River Festival went on as scheduled, but the weather was not very co-operative. It rained Friday before the festival and just about all day on Saturday at the festival. I have to commend the hearty souls who braved the day to participate as well as view the parade and the events of the day. Many parade entrants and street vendors did not show up at all and some of those who did show soon packed up and left. There was a modest crowd of a few hundred who stuck it out and had a great time in the rain. There was plenty of entertainment and good food to go around. As the band with whom I performed with (Blackwater) played, the rain subsided and the sun even broke through. The fireworks display was dealt a severe blow due to the wet weather but the street dance, featuring the Okaysions, went on without a hitch. Thanks to all who spent the long hours planning the festival only to have it rained on and another big thanks to the wonderful souls who came out and supported the festival in some very tough conditions.

The Steamed Blue to Red-Hot, Lively! Hard Crab Dinner & Art Auction was held Saturday, September 17th. Pocosin Arts has held this fund raising event the third Saturday in September since 1998. The annual art auction is timed to coincide with the Albemarle Sound's height of the season hard crab harvest. There was a large crowd of folks who enjoyed the heavy hors'doeuvres and a meal of fresh local crabs, a cash bar with wines and beers, the art auction, and finally the evening ended with Cajun music provided by the group, Unknown Tongues. The event began at 6pm and ended about 10:30 pm. I was told by Feather that the fund raiser was the most successful to date. Congratulations Pocosin Arts and thanks to all who came out and supported the event. Think about coming out next year, you'll be glad you did.

I am pleased to announce that Barbara & I are proud grandparents for the first time. Our son Ty and his wife, Amanda are the proud parents of their first child. The healthy baby boy was born August 6th, 2005 at Chowan Hospital. He was 7 lbs 13 ozs and 21 inches long. His name is Tucker Hall Fleming. Check out a few photos of Tucker's first day.

It's the next best thing to being there! Click here to visit Flemz Market & Deli Website.


VANESSA ONITA COSTIN, 40, of Creswell died September 18, 2005 at her home. She was born in Tyrrell County and was the daughter of Frances Dineen Costin and the late Clinton Costin. Besides her mother, she is survived by one sister: Wendy C. Alexander and one brother: Clinton R. Costin Jr.

WILLIAM BORDEN McCLEES, 83, of Columbia died September 7, 2005 at Britthaven of the Outer Banks. He was born in Tyrrell County on December 31, 1921 and was the son of the late William Henry and Beatrice Armstrong McClees. He was a WWII Veteran, a local merchant for 25 years, and a teacher in the Tyrrell County School system for 17 years where he was honored with Teacher of The Year in 1980. He is survived by his wife Margaret McClees; one daughter: Carol McClees Swain; and one brother: Ray McClees.

SHIRLEY OLSON SWAIN, 69, of the Creeks Community of Tyrrell County died August 30, 2005 at Pitt County Hospital. She was born in Chicago, Minnesota on May 1, 1936 and was the daughter of the late Tarnard and Doris Olson. She found her way to Tyrrell County through her marriage to Larry M. Swain, who preceded her in death. She served in the US Army, Civil Service, and most recently was the director of the Tyrrell County Board of Elections. She is survived by three sons: David L., Robert L., and Charles M. Swain; three daughters: Carolyn Simmons, Shari Roughton, and Deborah Lyttle; one brother: Terry Olson; one sister: Delores Olson; 15 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. P.S. : She will be greatly missed by the Tyrrell County Board of Elections of which I am a member.

JOHN ARTHUR "JA" PLEDGER, 75, of the Crosslanding community died August 27, 2005 at Pitt Hospital. He was born in Tyrrell County and was the son of the late Johnny and Addie Sutton Pledger. He was a retired sand and topsoil contractor. He is survived by his wife: Betty Spruill Pledger; one daughter: Kay Voliva; one son: Johnny Pledger; two sisters: Evelyn Aidock and Laura Yoder; and three grandchildren.

RAYMOND AGUSTUS GIBBS, 96, of Creswell died August 26, 2005 at Chowan Hospital. He was born in Tyrrell County and was the son of the late William A. and Collie Phelps Gibbs. He was a retired carpenter. He is survived by three daughters: Frances Brabble, Zada Harvell, and Jane Sawyer; one son: Ray Casteen; five grandchildren; ten great-grandchildren; and one great-great grandchild. He was preceded in death by his wife: Martha Jane Gibbs; a daughter: Nina McCullough; a sister: Teadie Mae Ayers; and a brother: Ervin Gibbs.

HARRY LEE DAVIS, 80, of the Fort Landing community of Tyrrell County died August 17, 2005 at Chowan Hospital. He was born in Tyrrell County on November 12, 1924 and was the son of the late J. Ed and Nancy Pritchett Davis. He was a WWII Army vet and a local farmer. He is survived by one sister: Nancy D. Owens. He was preceded in death by two brothers: Harvey and Edward Davis; and one sister: Milver D. Alligood.

CHARLES DAVID BRICKHOUSE SR, 67, of the Sound Side community died August 8, 2005 at Britthaven Nursing Facility in Edenton. He was born in Tyrrell County and was the son of the late Troy F. and Annie Rascoe Brickhouse. He was a retired truck driver with Durwood Cooper Farms. He is survived by his wife: Nancy Midgett Brickhouse; one daughter: Althea Floriano; one son: Charles David Brickhouse Jr; one sister: Karen Jean White; one brother: Milton Roger Brickhouse; and three grandchildren.

DEWEY FRANKLIN "PORKY" ARMSTRONG, 67, of Columbia died August 1, 2005 at his home. He was born February 18, 1938 and was the son of the late Elwood Roscoe and Mabelle Spencer Armstrong. He was employed by the Town Of Columbia in wastewater management. He was married to Barbara Welch Armstrong who survives. He is also survived by two sons: Frankie Armstrong Jr and Michael Armstrong; two daughters: Shannon Esther Brown and Shelly Lynne Houghton; three brothers: Ronald, Junior, and Billy Armstrong; and one sister: Carol Ann Woodley. He was preceded in death by one brother: Roger Armstrong and one sister: Shelba Johnson.

CHARLES THOMAS ALEXANDER, 54, of Columbia died July 10, 2005 at his home. He was born in Tyrrell County and was the son of the late Leon and Ethel White Alexander. He was married to Cindy Sawyer Alexander who survives. He is also survived by one daughter: Kathy A. Wilkins; one son: William Thomas Alexander; two sisters: Judy Furlough and Linda Byrd; and two grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a sister: Sue Beaver and two brothers: Jimmy and Joe Alexander.

MABLE SYKES LIVERMAN, 92, died June 25, 2005 at Chowan Hospital. She was born in Tyrrell County on February 18, 1913 and was the daughter of the late Stanley and Mary Sykes. She is survived by four sons: Henry Sykes, Aubrey Liverman, Lloyd Liverman, and Carl Liverman; three daughters: Willie Bailey, Sandar Shelton, and Janice Cummings; and four sisters: Magalene Bowser, Palistine McCleese, Claristine Sykes, and Maxine Basnight.

SYLVIA IONE SMITH PHELPS WEBER, 73, of Columbia died May 31, 2005 at her home. She was born in Gum Neck, Tyrrell County on November 8, 1931 and was the daughter of the late Iredell Sylvanius and Victoria Dillon Smith. She is survived by former husbands: Godfrey Elmo Phelps and Joe Weber; two sons: Michael Phelps and John Weber; a daughter: Sherry Pledger; a sister: Maude Kilgore; and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by three sisters: Christine Shapiro, Delma Fiser, and Lillie Blevens; and brothers: Simon and Clayton Smith.

INA SUTTON BRICKHOUSE SIMMONS, 96, of the Jerry community of Tyrrell County died June 1, 2005 at Chowan Hospital. She was born August 25, 1908 in Tyrrell County and was the daughter of the late James Sutton and Matilda Alexander Sutton. She was preceded in death by husbands: Daniel Webster Brickhouse and Olis B. Simmons; and a daughter: Norma Jean Brickhouse. Survivors include a son: J.D. Brickhouse; and a daughter: Jacklyn Brickhouse.

DEARL EDMOND ROUGHTON, 76, of the River Neck community died May 17, 2005 at his home. He was born in Tyrrell County and was the son of the late Joseph B. and Annie M. Roughton. He was a retired carpenter and fisherman. He is survived by his wife Dora F. Roughton; two daughters: Dora Voliva and Annie Roughton; four sons: Jimmy Lee Belangia, Johnny Belangia, Joseph Belangia, and Dearl Roughton Jr; two sisters: Anna Brickhouse and Mary Jones; and twelve grandchildren. He was preceded in death by four sisters: Julenia Roughton, Jane Roughton, Virginia Alexander, and Isabell Belangia; and six brothers: Seldon, Hubert, Joseph, Junious, Odell, and Alver Roughton.

RAY BASNIGHT, 81, of Columbia died May 15, 2005 at his home. He was born in Tyrrell County on November 11, 1923 and was the son of Willie and Henrietta Basnight. He is survived by four sons: Felton, Nelson, David, and Raymond Basnight; three daughters: Jackie Wrighton, Diana Holcomb, and Pamela Spencer; one brother: Shelton Basnight; and one sister: Zelma Bowser; and many grandchildren.