Bobbie's On-Line

(Bobbie Seabolt, that is)


Tip O'Tex Computer Club

The Villages Computer Club

Here are some family and friends pictures and links. More to come.

Six Little Lits - when they were little - My daughters

Six Little Lits - all grown up - A more recent picture of my daughters

Here are a few family links that are ready now.

Dave & Jeannie Kops - Dunewood Pharmacy (One of my daughters & son-in-law)

Rod & Marie Leathers - The Leathers' family (My daughter in Arizona) Marie's real estate page

Tracy Carney - Hints & tips for your computer (one of my Michigan daughters)Tracy's Outlook Express Stationery page

These are some of my other interests:

Al-Anon alt

Rio Grande Valley
Al-Anon Meetings

AA alt

Recovery Links

Rio Grande Valley A.A. Meetings

Last Updated on May 5, 2003 by Bobbie Seabolt