Blattenberger / Plattenberger Picture Page

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Four Plattenberger Generations

St. James Cemetery, Lititz PA. This is the grave stone of our ancestor, Barbara (Palmer) Blattenberger. The stone is undoubtly over 200 years old but is still clearly legible. (at least if you read German)

"Barbara                                "Barbara
Plattenberger                         Plattenberger
Eine Ehe Frau                       A Married Women
Verschied Den 26                 Expired The 26th Of
Januar 1758                          January 1758
Ihres Alters 46                      Her Age 46
Jahr"                                      Years"




Hof Plattenburg SignThis is the Hof Plattenberg sign, just north of Buchbach, Bavaria, Germany. On the far left is Frau Bauer, the current owner of the farm. Next to her is Ursula Blattenberger, our German cousin and a genealogist as well. Her son Franz Jr. is on the far right. In between Ursula and Franz Jr. is your Web Host, Geoff Crawford.



Lancaster ReunionThis is the second Blattenberger/Plattenberger Reunion held in Lancaster PA. The 1993 date reflects the 250th anniversary of the emmigartion of our ancestors, Johannes and Barbara (Palmer) Blattenberger.


"Wir sind alle Platzl" are the words I spoke as I convinced my mother to pose for this picture. Platzl is the Bavarian dialect nickname for the Plattenberg farm which everyone in the photograph has some connection to. On the left is Frau Bauer, current owner of the farm whose children are called Plattenberger in school. Next is Leni (Blattenberger) Hahn and her brother Franz Blattenberger. Leni is an engineer at the factory that her husband owns, and employs Franz as well. Franz and wife Ursula (pictured above) are keen genealogists and have come to both of the American reunions. Sherry (Plattenburg) Crawford, my mother, is pictured last on the right. The occasion is the farewell diner of the 1995 Blattenberger/Plattenberger tour.


"Hallo, hier bin Ich. Ich bin Rex der Platzlhund, wer sind Sie? Amerikanische Blut, nicht war? Es schmekt's." Here I am with Rex the aptly named "king" of the Plattenberg farm. The question of the day is who's bigger. (I'm not offended if you say he is.) Naturally Rex only speaks German: "Hi, here I am. I'm Rex the Plattenberg dog, who are you? Is that American blood I smell. Very tasty."


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