The Plattenbergers in North Carolina are involved in NASCAR racing.
Diane carries on the Blattenberger weaving tradition.
Rex and Marci Blattenberger have an interest in Steel Guitar.
Tom Plattenberger of Alaska dabbles in polymer clay and owns a house in Mexico.
David Blattenberger of Ohio has many pictures of the 2005 Blattenberger Reunion held in Chambersburg PA.
If my German is correct, our German cousin Franz Blattenberger seems to be an auditor for the county. (Page In German)
One of our German cousins runs a bakery in Germany, not farm from our original family farm. Blattenberger Baekerei (Page in German)
Some of our relatives belonged to the Moravian community at Nazareth PA. Here is a web page with one of the well preserved stones of the Schoeneck Moravian Cemetery. Charles Ferdinand Plattenberger is a descendent of immigrant Johannes' son Christian Plattenberger.
Here is a web page with a picture of Fannie Blattenberger. The page refers to David and Fannie Heckman of Upton, Franklin, Pa. That would fit if the "Fannie Blattenger" written on the back refers to her maiden name. If it is her married name instead, perhaps it could be Fannie Cromer Blattenberger.