2005 Reunion Held in Chambersburg/Mercersburg PA Huge Thanks To Our Counsin Roger Blattenberger For Hosting A Great Event! More Details |
This page is dedicated to our immigrant ancestors, Johannes and Barbara (Palmer) Blattenberger who came to this country in 1743 on the ship "Lydia".
An Overview of the Blattenberger / Plattenberger Family
View the Blattenberger Genealogical Database of Names and Dates.
The Blattenberger/Plattenberger Mailing List is a forum to discuss the history, genealogy, and origins of the family. To join, simply send an email message to Blattenberger-L-Request@rootsweb.com with no subject and only the word subscribe in the body of the message. You then will receive confirmation of your subscription and further instructions. You must be subscribed in order to post messages, messages should be sent to Blattenberger-L at rootsweb.com
Blattenberger Family Association Officers: