Every day, in the world around us,
angels are doing the things they do...
bringing smiles to the world around them...
Angels build bridges instead of walls.
They don't play hide-and-seek with the truth,
they do whatever they can to help you.
Angels understand how difficult life can be
and always give the benefit of the doubt.
Angels don't hold others up to standards
they can't live by themselves.
Angels are what "inner beauty" is all about.
Real-life angels don't hold things against you;
the only thing they hold...is you.
When you could use a little reassurance,
they take your hand in theirs.
They guide you through trials and tribulations
and give direction to your life.
Angels multiply your smiles
and add to your integrity.
They make you feel like,
" Hey, I really am somebody who matters."
Then they quietly prove to you how beautiful
and true that feeling really is.
If there is an angel in your life,
you are one of the luckiest people of all.
If you think someone is an angel
it's important to let them know.
It's the best compliment
you could ever give
( Author Unknown)
The best compliment you can give to an angel
is to pass the kindness on ....
Pass this message to all your angel friends....
let them know how much you care.
1. (Right) click on the persons name to whom you want to send it to
2. Choose "Web Page Adress (url)"
3. The URL will automatically be selected. If not then type the address in the line that says "Select / Enter URL."
4. If you want to send the url to multiple recipients then click on "more" and choose "Multiple Recipients"
Born on: January 29,1999
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Let's get Washington to stop playing partisan politics
and start being Americans. We have the money and technology
to bring all the MIAs/POWs and all the missing children home..
Please send this message to everyone you know so that maybe
we can get Washington to listen to the people.