Cox Family Recipes
I'm so glad you decided to take a peek at our favorite family recipes. I've been working on making this page more accessible and hope if you've been here before that you like the changes I've made. If this is your first time here, believe me ... it certainly is a LOT better than it was before. I'm so excited about the new things I've learned ... like how to help each of you get to your points of interest without having to scroll down the whole page and possibly losing interest before you find what you're looking for. I really think you'll like the selection of recipes I have included here - I've tried to put a little of everything, with the hopes that everybody will be able to find at least one dish of interest.
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The graphics are all originals created by Flo. If you have the desire to use any of my graphics, feel free, but please give credit where credit is due. Thanks!
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