Cox Family Photos
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BJ and Flo
BJ and I met in October of '89 and have been best of friends ever since. We were both married at that time and were there for each other when our marriages fell apart. It was during this time that we discovered the depth of our friendship and the lengths to which we would go for one another. It is very seldom you can find one without the other, even after 5 years of marriage. This picture was taken in 1991.

First snowman of the season (8-22-92)
These are our "babies," Bobby on the left, Daniel, and then Brittney. This picture was taken in Montana on August 22, 1992 - three days after Brittney's and my arrival to that wonderful (but cold) state. BJ and the kids had a ball making "Fred" (the snowman) while I unpacked and enjoyed the warmth of our cozy little trailer. Such tight living quarters for a family of five (the boys lived with us the first 3 months of our marriage while their mother was going to school). I wouldn't have traded that time together for anything.

Our 'Beauty and the Beasts' - Halloween 1992
Here are the kids all ready for Halloween. This is what I like to call our "Beauty and the Beasts" picture. BJ did all of the wonderful artwork on the boys - didn't he do a great job? Brittney on the other hand had only "light" make-up on and wore my tutu from my "ballet days." Not bad costumes for not having any money.

Summer of '96
This picture was taken of us at my dad's house in San Antonio. Notice the crutches? BJ's doing a wonderful job of walking - especially since the doctor's said he'd never walk again after his motorcycle accident. He's a very determined man ... and hard-headed! Boy, I tell ya, the only other people I know that are as hard-headed as him would have to be Bobby, Brittney and myself. *LOL*

Mother/Daughter Portrait taken in Spring of '97
This beautiful young lady with me is my pride and joy. She's just growing way too fast to suit me. Seems like just yesterday I was taking her home for the first time.

Father/Sons Portrait taken in Summer of '97
These are the men in my life ... don't tell Bobyy (on the right) I said that! His head is already so big from all the girls (younger and older) calling and asking him out, if he knew I called him a "man" it would put him over the top!! *LOL*

This picture was taken this past summer ('97) while Daniel was down visiting us (he lives with his and Bobby's mother in Montana). We had a GREAT time and hated to see him go back.

And our family album just wouldn't be complete if we didn't include at least one photo of each of our "hairy" family members ... and no, I'm not talking about my brother-in-law "The Outlaw," Bob.

Magic The "apple of my eye" - Magic
Autumn when she was a pup... Our baby girl in Oct '95 - Autumn
Hollywood keeping watch from up above... Our "Beauty Beauty" - Hollywood
Wigger in front of a winter fire... "Daddy's girl" - Wigger

Well, that's all of the family photos for now. I'll put more up as time (and film development) permits. I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little about us, if you'd like to know more, just continue checking out the rest of my webpage.


Flo's Place | Family Recipes
My Favorite E-Card Shoppes | Heaven's Door | My Prayer | My Testimony
My Awards | BJ's Webpage


The last time I updated this page was on Monday, 1/5/98.

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