The Weather Amateur Radio Network (WARN) is a volunteer group formed to provide a network of severe weather observers to enhance the Riley County severe weather warning system. To provide this enhancement, WARN has observers and net control operators that have gone through a combination of classroom training and field training under the supervision of experienced observers. The classroom training consists of topics such as tracking and plotting storms
on maps, observer safety and radio procedures. The field training consists of "ride alongs" with experienced severe weather observers during severe weather watches.
Communications between WARN control and severe weather observers on post is provided through amateur radio. WARN uses a system which consists of two 2-meter repeaters and a simplex frequency. KSØMAN (147.255+ MHz), sponsored by the Manhattan Area Amateur Radio Society, is the primary repeater. WØQQQ (145.410- MHz), sponsored by the Kansas State University Amateur Radio Club, is the secondary repeater. A simplex frequency (147.500 MHz) will be used if both repeaters fail.
WARN control operates from a station in the Riley County Emergency Operations Center (EOC). As information is gathered from severe weather observers, it is immediately relayed from WARN control to the Riley County Emergency Management Agency personnel in the EOC. The Emergency Management Agency personnel then disseminate the severe weather information to other Riley County emergency departments, and to the public.
A weather net is held on Sundays at 8 P.M. on the MAARS repeater, KSØMAN, on 147.255+ MHz.
NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory
NSSL Severe Weather Primer
Spotters Map PDF