The MAARS repeater is located 1 1/2 miles south of Manhattan on K-177. The antenna is positioned 135 feet up on the KSDB tower. The input frequency is 147.855 MHz, and the output frequency is 147.255 MHz. The repeater's call is KSØMAN. The repeater is an open repeater, and may be accessed by any properly-licensed amateur.

An autopatch (automated telephone line link) is incorporated into the repeater. The autopatch has open access to all amateurs. Special autodial numbers are available to club members in good standing. NO BUSINESS may be conducted on either the repeater or via the autopatch.

Only amateurs with technician class and above licenses may access the repeater. Unlicensed persons may participate in amateur radio comunications, provided a control operator identifies at the begining and end of transmission, and is present and continuously monitors and supervises the communication to insure compliance with the rules.

Henry, KAØSWM, is now the official trustee of the MAARS repeater. All suggestions or complaints concerning the repeater should submitted in writing by mail or email to Henry. His address is 810 Osage, Manhattan, KS 66502 and his email is


  • transmitting indecent or profane words, language, or meaning
  • transmitting music
  • transmitting unidentified or false signals
  • willful interference  Note: Kerchunking (transmitting without ID) is considered willful interference.


  • Listen to see if repeater is already in use.
  • Keep transmissions short.
  • Pause between exchanges to see if anyone has emergency traffic, or needs to call someone.
  • Identify yourself at least every 10 minutes, and at the end of your contact.
  • Our repeater is monitored by people in several counties. Be courteous and cautious in what you say.


  • Listen to see if repeater is already in use.
  • Push PTT, ID and announce that you are attempting to access the autopatch.
  • Release PTT.
  • Push PTT again, and enter a seven-digit phone number.
  • Release PTT.
  • The repeater will announce "Autopatch", and will dial the phone number.
  • When the called party answers, advise him/her that they are on an autopatch, and if they don't know, explain to them how it works (i.e. one way conversation).
  • When the conversation is terminated, while pushing PTT, push the # key, ID and announce that you are clear of the autopatch.
  • IMPORTANT: If anything goes wrong (including illegal transmissions), terminate the patch immediately with the # key.
  • Autopatch calls are limited to 2½ minutes, and will be cut off by the repeater. In extreme cases in which you need additional time, press 81. Your call will be extended 1½ minutes.
  • Pressing 82 redials the last number called via autopatch.

The autopatch is to be used in the few instances in which a phone is not available (i.e. mobile, emergency, etc.), and should not be used as a replacement for a landline. If you're near a phone, use it instead. Autopatch calls to law enforcement agencies SHOULD ONLY BE USED IN AN EMERGENCY.


  • 911 Riley County Police
  • 811 Riley County Police Admin.
  • 711 K-State Police
  • 611 Wamego Police Dept.
  • 511 Pottawatomie County Sheriff
  • 311 Wabaunsee County Sheriff
  • 211 Fort Riley Military Police
  • 111 Kansas Highway Patrol
  • Emergency autopatches have no time limit.


    1. 30 = force repeater ID
    2. 31-38 = club bulletins / repeater demos
    3. 39 = time and date
    4. 81 = extend timeout 1½ minutes
    5. 82 = redial last autopatch
    6. 5000 = DTMF pass-through (30 seconds)
    7. # = hang up autopatch


    • First, know exactly where you are, or exactly where the emergency is.
    • Call 911, and tell the operator you are an amateur radio operator
    • Keep in mind that autopatch calls are one-way conversations.
    • Tell the operator what has happened, or what the emergency is.
    • Ask the operator if he or she requires further information. If not, terminate the patch.
    • Render assistance, if possible.


    1. Emergency and priority traffic
    2. System tests and maintenance
    3. Public service
    4. Nets
    5. Mobile and portable use
    6. Fixed (base) station use