MAARS ARRL Field Day 1998 Photo Gallery

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 Field Day 1998 Site - Scenic Overlook on K-177 South

 Field Day Chairman 1998 Norm Dillman roughing it with Bob Bartholic

 Extra points are awarded for alternate energy sources

 Chuck Carter, a fine CW operator

 Daniel Soldan at the satellite position

 Kermit Fairbanks assembled this impressive mobile station

 Little Jeffrey Energy Center has powered MAARS Field Days for years.

 Mike Moore and Henry Bachman keep an HF station busy.

 Nancy Dekat expresses her gratitude for the Paul and Helen Grauer Scholarship

MAARS Field Day 1998 Results
Operating in a Public Place 100
Public Information Booth 100
Emergency Power Bonus 300
W1AW Message 100
Natural Power (Solar) 100
Publicity Bonus 100
Novice Station87348
Solar HF Station303606
HF Station #2 (all CW)153612
HF Station #3 (all CW)57228
VHF Station (2m Simplex)3366
Total 2660

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