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About Our Club

The Manhattan, Kansas Amateur Radio Society (MAARS) was formed on July 7, 1976. The purpose of the club is to advance amateur radio in the Manhattan area. The club began with about 20 members, and now has about 50 members. Since the beginning, the club has been active in different aspects of amateur radio, packet radio, satellites, community activities, ARRL Field Day, and amateur radio classes. Also, many club members have been very involved through the years with emergency communications and storm spotting.


  • Christmas Party
  • Field Day
  • Picnic/Auction
  • Program
  • Publicity
  • Repeater
  • RFI

    To learn more about a committee or to volunteer, please contact the President.

    Contacting Us

  • by U. S. Mail: PO BOX 613 Manhattan, KS 66505-0613
  • by email:


    Meetings are on the second Friday of the month, usually in the Red Cross building, 2601 Anderson Ave. The starting time is 7:30 p.m. Prior to the business meeting, we have the "eating meeting" at a local restaurant to be announced, from about 5 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. Our program committee provides guest speakers and interesting topics. You don't have to be an amateur radio operator or a member to attend activities or meetings. Everyone is welcome.

    We recommend that you check the latest newsletter to confirm plans for the next meeting. Although most meetings are on Friday evenings, occasionally this will vary.


  • Manhattan Weekly Net
    • Tuesdays at 9 p.m.
    • KSØMAN repeater, 147.255+ MHz
    • Net controls are Brian Carter, KCØDWX and Ian Sobering, KDØCZE.
    • All amateurs (technician and above) are welcome to check in.
    • Following the net, we have the swap net. You can buy or sell any items found in the shack. An asking price may be mentioned, but on-air negotiating is not permitted.
  • Thursday Night Net
    • Thursdays at 8 p.m.
    • KSØMAN repeater, 147.255+ MHz
    • Net controls are Sylvia Carter, KCØYJO and Mark Benfer, KCØQAS.
    • All young people and adults are welcome.


    President Brian Carter, KCØDWX (785) 313-0713 Send email
    Vice-President Scott Chainey, ACØCY    
    Secretary Francis Sable, WØEVJ (785) 456-9154  
    Treasurer Christine Chainey, KCØYJN    
    Trustee Mike Moore, NØPVU    
    WARN Co-Coordinator Mark Benfer, KCØQAS    
    WARN Co-Coordinator Dave Mills, KDØAZG    

    Past Events

  • Francis Sable, WØEVJ and Scott Chainey, ACØCY antenna program, July 13, 2007 - 1
  • Francis Sable, WØEVJ and Scott Chainey, ACØCY antenna program, July 13, 2007 - 2
  • MAARS Kids' Day 2007
  • Field Day 2005 Photo Gallery
  • Field Day 1998 Photo Gallery
  • Field Day 1997 Photo Gallery
  • International Endurance Horse Race


    Located 1.5 miles south of Manhattan, Kansas, the MAARS repeater is at the KSDB site near K-177. The controller is an S-Com 7K. The repeater runs 10 watts output to a commercial antenna at 110 feet. Coverage as far east as Topeka and as far west as Abilene is common. The input frequency is 147.855 MHz, and the output frequency is 147.255 MHz. The repeater callsign is KSØMAN. The repeater is an open repeater, and may be accessed by any properly-licensed amateur.

    Users of the KSØMAN repeater should be familiar with the autopatch procedures and other guidelines.

    Visit the Kansas Amateur Repeater Council page for a comprehensive list of Kansas repeaters. (Click on RPT Directory.)

    Manhattan Area Repeaters
    147.225 +
    open114.8, linked
    147.255 +
    openautopatch, wx net
    145.410 -
    444.175 +

    Upcoming Events

    Next Meeting

    When: Friday, April 17

    Time: 7:30 P.M.

    Where: Red Cross Building, 2601 Anderson Ave., Manhattan

    We will be eating at 5:30 P.M. at Sirloin Stockade.

    Ladies' Night Out

    When: Wednesday, March 18

    Time: 6 P.M.

    Where: Kite's, East Highway K-24

    What's New on This Site

  • April 2009 Newsletter
  • Myron's FREE Batteries for HAM (Amateur Radio) Operators
