A Big Welcome From Our Congregation's President

    My name is John R. Hardison and as President of this congregation I want to personally invite you to come and visit us at Redeemer Lutheran Church.  We specialize in being a user friendly church.  We make a point of welcoming new people to our worship service and any other scheduled events.  We will do our best to not put you on the spot or embarrass you in any way.   Further we will do everything we can to make you feel welcome and at ease.  Worship services and working for the Lord can be fun as well as serious and we do our level best to make it that way.  Come and try us out!  We are pretty "down home friendly".  We treat each other as family members and try to help each other any way we can.
    You will find that we have something for everyone.  Of course, we have Sunday morning worship at 9:30 AM. lead by a fine young minister who will keep you awake and interested while making worthwhile and meaningful  points in his sermons.  He often includes humor and anecdotes in his sermons to add interest.  At 10:30 AM we have Sunday school for the kids and  adult bible study. Anna Circle meetings for the women and voters' meetings for the men are held at regular intervals. At various times through the year we have choir, softball, evening Bible studies, home visitations for the sick and shut-ins, and pinochle games.  We also have a host of special events like a Christmas Sing, a Christmas program done by the kids, mission festival, special speakers, a Thanksgiving day service, a Christmas day service, potlucks, a silent auction, a special Easter breakfast and service, Lenten services, soup suppers, trips to sporting events, and coffee hours.  We work as a team when it comes to special projects and we love to have more people involved.  We like having a lot of fun while serving our Lord.
    We are a church on the move for our Lord and we are always looking for new ideas and new people.  I firmly believe that if a person or family is ever going to feel welcome in a new church it will be ours.  Try us!  You'll find us friendly, helpful and very low key.  We would like you to feel at home and consider yourself a part of our church family!  That is our goal for all visitors and new people.
    If you have any questions I can help with, you can reach me through the church number 509-248-6919 or at my home number 509-966-0585, and don't hesitate for one minute.  I would love to hear from you.

John R. Hardison

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