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John Gerrath
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John Gerrath's
Well, uh, I guess I'll talk a bit about some of the plants I'm growing this summer.
I try to grow most of my plants from seed to get a feel for them through each stage of their lives.
I mostly grow plants that can survive outside in Southern Ontario,
but I do occasionally try some tropicals.
For instance, I'm trying to grow all of the Gnetaceae,
including Welwitchia mirabilis,
and I'm a big fan of the Iridaceae (Iris, etc.).
Here are some of my favourite seed sources for those of you who are interested in getting some rarer plants on the go.
32315 Pine Crest Court
P.O. Box 489
Kiowa, Colorado, U.S.A.
Tel#: (303) 621-2590
Fax#: (303) 621-2864
This is a very good catalogue that deals with hardy and alpine plants. Seeds are from their on-site collection or wild-collected. A wide selection of taxa that changes greatly from year to year. Great representation of the Scrophulariaceae and Lamiaceae. This catalogue is THE catalogue for Penstemon. Germination can be tough, but Alplains provides you with detailed seed starting instructions. A must for any Alpine gardener.
Catalogue Price = FREE
Minimum Order = $10 US
Chiltern Seeds
Bortree Stile, Ulverston,
Cumbria, LA12 7PB, England.
Tel#:+44(0)1229 581137
Fax#:+44(0)1229 584549
Rapidly becoming one of the world's favourite specialty seed catalogues, this weighty British listing offers a wide array of annuals, perennials, bulbs, trees, cycads, herbs....EVERYTHING! Germination is usually quite good and orders are filled promptly. The catalogue in itself is a useful gardening resource, with almost 300 pages of detailed descriptions in tiny print. Prices are in British Pounds and quite reasonable.
Possibly the best list out there.
Catalogue Price = $3.64 US
Minimum order =
PlantWorld Seeds
St. Marychurch Road,
Newton Abbot, Devon,
TQ12 4SE
Tel#: +44 (0)1803 872939
Fax#: +44 (0)1803 875018
Another British catalogue, PlantWorld is a botanic garden organized into geographic regions. This gives them a broad range of plants from all continents, especially South America (after a collecting trip to Chile). Seeds are collected from the garden, and most popular genera are represented, as well as many oddballs. Plantworld also offers a nearly bewildering array of Aquilegias (Columbines), Dieramas, Alstroemerias and hardy Geraniums. Catalogue offers short descriptions and over 200 colour photos. Prices (in pounds) are low and portions are usually large. Germination is usually quite good.
A gem.
Catalogue Price = ? (Appeared in the mail one day)
Minimum order = None
Karmic Exotix Seeds
Box 146,
Shelburne, Ontario, Canada
L0N 1S0
This wonderful little list is run by Ontario's alpine master Andrew Osyany, and is always a joy to pull out of the mailbox. A sort of clearinghouse for East European seed sources, this catalogue offers many choice mini-alpines found nowhere else. Service is prompt and Mr. Osyany is generous with the bonus seeds. Prices are low and germination is pretty good. Germination instructions are simple, place seeds in pot, place pot outside over winter. Usually works. The Androsace villosa I grew from his seed is fabulous.
Catalogue Price = $2 (US and Canada)
Minimum order =
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