Welcome to My home page!!
Thanks for coming to my web site, it is not much right now, but I am trying. This is my first site. So please come back again!

I am a Christian, Christ is the most important thing to me and in my life!! I accepted Him when I was only 11 years old, ever since then. My life has never been the same. The only way in becoming a Christian, is to believe that Jesus, is the son of God, that he came to this earth, born in a virgin, part human, part man. Grew up here on this world, living as God showed Him. He died on the cross for our sins. Dying, in the grave, rising on the third day and that He is in heaven now and is coming again to take us all home By believing in that, in God's love for you through Jesus, His one and only Son.
You accept that in your heart and believe it! God will change your heart, life and your whole nature. That is a promise. Things might not ever be the same, you'll have hard times. But as children of God, we know where we can turn to in those times. So, please, if you have any question, if you know that you are born again, and that you are going to heaven, that is great! But if you aren't so sure of yourself, drop me an e-mail!
About Me.
Hello, I am Jessica, my online name is SweetMiracle. I am 17 years old. I am from Colorado. As I said before. I love Our Lord and Savior , Jesus Christ, with all of my heart! He is the focus and love of my life! He shall always be number one!

I love sunsents, hiking in the beautiful mountians that God so richly blessed me with. I love camping. Biking,
Jogging, Running, Swimming, Blading. Lets see, I am very active in my church, youth group, service, praise and worship. I love going to Christian concerts, one of my favorite singers, is Rebecca St. James, she has impacted my life, as well as my whole familes! She is such a blessing as she serves the Lord!

I love chatting in Christian chat rooms, as well as on ICQ, if you would like to have my icq number, drop me an e-mail.
I am also working on a Christian Teen Talk show, called, Against the Stream. The show starts up in Jan. of 99. We are going to have guests and surprises. Remeber me and my co-host, Colby Moss, in prayer.




Turtle Dove


Spy Glass Blue




Brighter Sunshine





Rebecca St. James!!!!


First off in my family, is my dad. He is 47 right now, he is an awesome parent, he is a Christian, and he loves us all very much. He is open, understanding, loving, giving, sharing, kind, gentle, and so on with all that good stuff! The Lord has given him a ministry, The Ladle coffeehouse. It has been on his heart for a very long time, but what is awesome is that God is blesseing his efforts. Which is good to see. It is on its way. My dad is an awesome person. I am very lucky to have him as a parent!! I love you daddy!

Then there is my mom, she is 40 right now. He has worked with kids, in preschool as well as in the upper grades. She is smart, very pretty, understanding, thoughtful, kind, giving and understands when it comes to us cleaning up our rooms! My mom has helped out so much in my life. No one in this whole world can replace her! Her love is unending, so it seems. My mom is my best friend. Her relationship with be is one I shall always cherish! I love you mom!

I have an older brother, Charles, he is soon to be 19. He is awesome man! Hey, all young chicks out there..my brother is single! *winks* Charles is a very smart guy, he is another person who knows me well, alot better than I think my mom does! Charles is also a Christian, he has been as long as I can remeber, he has helped me in alot of areas, he is a BIG blessing to me in my life!!! Without him, I don't know where I would be! I love ya man!!

I have a younger brother, Matt, he is going to be 11 very soon. He is a real cutie! He has a awesome sense of humor..reminds me of Charles sometimes. He is going to be a Pastor when he grows up. That is all he seems to talk about. He also loves the Denver Broncos. But not as much as his love for God is. He loves God with all of his heart. It always reminds me to stay in line too. *SMILES*
I love you MATT!

We have 3 Gold fish. Alan, Mr. T and Joy. Joy is my favorite. She is the smallest of the bunch, but she can also bite you pretty strong! I would know! But that is all the fish we have, no other pets.
Ah, yes, my Knight in shining armour. No I don't have a boyfriend. No, I am not married. But the love of my life is God. He is my first and my foremost focus. He is the one that I am in love with! I am waiting for the one that God has for me. I do not date. I believe that God has someone set aside for me and that He will bring Him along at the right time. And only in His timing. Not the worlds, but God's. I will wait however long it takes for Him to come along. I will not search for him. But God will bring him to me, He knows when I will be ready, He knows what I need, He knows. That is all there is to it. God knows and I don't. So, as I go along my life that I walk. I shall trust in the Lord and let Him take care of me. I will and continue to pray for my future spouse, where ever he is, what ever he is doing. I know that he is in God's hands. I am praying that he will be waiting for me, as I am for Him. I encourage you, whoever you are. Trust that God gives you the right person. Don't be tempted to go and get your heart broken. God is the only one who can fill that void in your life. That is who you need at this point. God will take care of the rest! This is a song I will always remember. "And I promise to, stay to stay true to you. To live my life, in purity, waiting just for you . Waiting for the day, when I hear you say. Here is the one, I have created, just, for you!" So, that is the honest truth!

Bye for now my Friends!
Goodbye for now, thanks for stopping by. I am praying for you, even if I have never met you before. I hope you enjoyed your stay. Have a blessed day. Take care! God loves you and so do I through God's love!! Be blessed! E-mail me sometime. I love hearing from all of you!

E-Mail me, at, sweetmiracle@geocities.com

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