Yarrowfell Dalmatians


We have heard of some tremendous results in our time but Sally and Siegfried (Yarrowfell High Society) known to his fiends as Ziggy have just about taken the biscuit. In three consecutive obedience trials recently they obtained passes and Best in the Ring for his Community Companion Dog title. And they weren't mini trials either, I know that he beat 22 other dogs in his last trial with a score of 97 out of a 100. Congratulations to you both - a wonderful achievement. Lets hope you can keep it up for both your CD and CDX trials.

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Welcome to Yarrowfell Dalmatians

This page visited times since 16 February 1997

For over 25 years we have been breeding and exhibiting dalmatians to excel in conformation, obedience, tracking, agility and endurance. This website contains information on:

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Any comments or requests for further information are gladly received. Alternatively, please take the opportunity to sign the guestbook.

Tim Hurst
PO Box R164
Royal Exchange
Neil and Jane Hurst
"Yarrow Fell"
49 Widgiewa Rd Carwoola

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What's New

Sunday, 26 April 2009: At the recent Dalmatian Club of NSW Championship Show, Kermit (Yarrowfell Just Kidding), owned by Kate and Rob Shooter, was awarded Best Baby Puppy in Show, while Genie (Yarrowfell In Your Dreams) was awarded Best Opposite Sex Baby Puppy in Show. The judge was Mr G Missen from Victoria.

Saturday 24 May 2008: A new page has been added for Rose, Yarrowfell High Fashion. Some photos have also been added for the 2006 Canberra Endurance Test and the 2007 Canberra Endurance Test.

Sunday 11 May 2008: At the ACT State Obedience Tiles last weekend, Morse (Aust. Ch. Yarrowfell Abacus CCD ET) was awarded an 87 point qualifying score and 3rd in the CCD ring. This score was his final pass towards the title of Community Comapnion Dog (CCD). The judge was Mrs Julie Cutts (ACT).


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Originally written using Netscape Navigator 1.22 and Windows Notepad while I was off sick for a few days back in '96

Yarrowfell Dalmatians / T. Hurst / yarrowfell@geocities.com / revised 12-Jul-09