A Little About Us!
I am a Catholic single mother named Patty. During my 11½ year marriage to Dan, we were blessed with three wonderful little boys. Paul was born in 1990, Stephen in 1993, and John in 1995. In an effort to pass on our Catholic faith, and raising our boys to be the men God created them to be, we have decided to home school. At present, we are enrolled in the Seton Home School program. There are many great programs and resources for home schooling. One great page of resources is the L.P.H. Resource Centre. Other pages with information on home schooling are, The Catholic Home Education Resources, and The Catholic Dossier page. Other schools with information and resources are Kolbe Academy, and Our Lady of the Rosary School. The Canadian Geographical Names page has classroom activities, and Globe - International has Hands-on Science and Educational activities.
We really like the radio program "Focus on the Family". They now have a website of their own. Check it out!
For information on the Catholic Faith, sites like EWTN, Seeking God (Christ in the Desert), Our Lady of Guadalupe, Saints and Angels, Catholicity, and Taizé Community, are wonderful. A great site for children, is the Young Saints Club. But, of course, the best site of all must be The Holy See, website of the Vatican.
Along with our Catholic Faith, comes the belief that life begins from the moment of conception, and that life should be protected from that moment, until natural death. Please pray for an end to abortion.
I am a really social type person. I love to talk, and have found much support, and fellowship with other Catholics in the Bible.org chat room. Unfortunately, it no longer exists. In this room, I have met some wonderful people. Among them, are some with home pages worth visting: Julie is one of my best friends, and her page is incredible. Trent and Semper have excellent pages as well as Gust, LDM, and Beethoven. Other great pages are, Daisy's Page,
Paul really loves trains. In fact, it would really surprise us, if he didn't become a train engineer when he grows up. His favourite trains are Steam Locomotives. His favourite imaginary train is Thomas the Tank Engine. One Steam Train site we've found close to home is the South Simcoe Railway Heritage Corporation, and another is the Michigan State Trust for Railway Preservation.
Of course, Paul also loves to have fun! He loves arts and crafts, and we've found wonderful craft ideas at Aunt Annie's Craft Page, and at Kid's Craft. The Ontario Science Centre has excellent teaching fun to learn activities, but you may have to download Shockwave in order to fully participate. The Toronto Zoo also has an excellent site. Paul also loves to cook, and we've found recipes at Kellogg's Rice Krispies. U express is a lot of fun, and Beakman and Jax has great do at home experiments, and answers to questions, usually science related.
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Angel Page This page is under construction, and not nearly complete. Feel free to see what I have so far, and offer any suggestions you might have.
Divine Mercy Page This page has how to say the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Prayer Page This page has various prayers for various occasions. If you have a prayer you'd like to add any, please feel free to e-mail it to me.
Rosary Page This page has the prayers of the Rosary, and how to say the Rosary, as well as a link to my page for the Scriptural Rosary... a much more contemplative way to say the Rosary.
Words of Inspiration Page These are wonderful heart-warming stories. It will be updated often, as I find new stories to add. If you have one you'd like to see on this page, please send it to me.
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