Angels Among Us
Peace to All Who Enter Here
Blessed Virgin Mary holding Infant Jesus
This page lovingly dedicated to the
Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary

For Information on us, visit my Family Page.

For prayers for various situations, please visit my Prayer Page.  This page has various prayers for various occasions.  If you have a prayer you'd like to add any, please feel free to e-mail it to me.

If you'd like information on how to pray the Rosary, visit my Rosary Page.   This page has the prayers of the Rosary, and how to say the Rosary, as well as a link to my page for the Scriptural Rosary... a much more contemplative way to say the Rosary.

I also have information about the Divine Mercy Chaplet.  This page has how to say the Divine Mercy Chaplet.

I now have a new page in the works. It's Words of Inspiration. These are wonderful heart-warming stories. It will be updated often, as I find new stories to add.  If you have one you'd like to see on this page, please send it to me.

Novenas Page  This page has all about Novenas, how and why to pray them, and different Novenas to pray.

Lenten Novenas  This page has Lenten Novenas, to help us prepare for Easter.

Stations of the Cross  This page has the meditations "The Way of The Cross", for meditating on the death of Christ.

Picture Page    This page has pictures of some of my internet friends.


The Meaning of Mass Offerings

     Throughout our Diocese, priests, pastoral ministers, and parish secretaries often hear parishioners use terms like:  "I'd like to buy a Mass", or "How much does a Mass cost?"

     This page will highlight our Catholic teaching about the Eucharist Itself, and about hte purplse and meaning of offerings given for the celebration of the Eucharist.  It is hope that this will wnhance our understanding and love for the Eucharist, and also will explain how Mass Offerings fit into our Eucharistic Theology.

Note: All materials on Catholic prayers or teachings have come from books, pamphlets or materials containing Imprimatur (permission to print or publish a book,pamphlet, etc. granted by a bishop's authority after such work has received a censors clearance) or Nihil Obstat (Certification from a Roman Catholic censor stating that a work contains nothing contrary to the faith or morals).

This is an EXCELLENT visual explanation of how Jesus reconciles us with God.
Man_God image
Thanks for finding it for me, Randy Buddy!

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or at least who stopped by. So PLEASE sign my guestbook!! I PROMISE I'll reply!
I also love to visit other people's pages, and this gives me that opportunity.
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Much to my surprise and great delight, I have been awarded the "Holy Spirit Award."
Unfortunately, it's a bogus award, and the page it comes from is very Anti-Christian.
If you see this "award" on anyone else's page, please inform them of the truth about it.

Thanks to some really gracious people, I have now been presented with real awards. Thank you so much. The first one is from The Dogwood Grove. Shawn has taken the bogus award from above, and modified it, to make a new one. Thank you so much, Shawn! "
My second award comes from Jennifer Nashif. Thank you so much Jennifer. She has really beautiful awards, and I'm truly honoured to receive the "We Believe" Award. I do not submit my site, nor request these awards, so it truly is an honour to receive one.

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