American Staffordshire Terrier Page

With pride I would like to introduce you to my best friends. The American Staffordshire Terrier Breed.

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a medium sized, intelligent, beautifully balanced dog with short hair that exhibits great courage and heart. The breed is muscular, athletic, and powerful, but still shows agility and grace. They are loyal, love to please, and have quite the sense of humor. These qualities make this breed an excellent choice in a show or pet dog.

I was introduced to American Staffordshire Terrier in 1978 by a friend who had an Am Staff named "Jet". Once I had gotten to know him I was hooked for life. I had been showing other breeds before then, but when I saw Jet, I was so impressed that I decided to get a puppy from one of his litters for a pet and companion.

After having my puppy for awhile, I realized that I wanted to show him. I entered him in a few local dog shows where he earned enough points to get his championship. I then realized I needed a show quality puppy if I was to get serious about showing the breed.

I contacted Jane Rebello, a dearly missed friend and mentor in the breed, who was one of the most helpful and knowledgeable people that I have ever had the good fortune of knowing. From her I purchased my first show puppy Patty, and put a championship on her.

Patty had many nice qualities that, with the right breeding, would make for wonderful offpspring, so I bred her to one of the top Am Staffs in the country which produced a little red girl, Missy. She earned her championship at an early age. She in turn produced American Canadian Champion Pacific Distant Thunder, affectionately called Austin, who finished Number 1 in all breed competition, in the United States for 1993.

I now have the pleasure of sharing my home with Austin and a few other Am Staff adults and puppies, who I consider part of my extended family.

If you have any questions about American Staffordshire Terriers, feel free to e-mail me at:

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