My deepest greetings to all of you visitors. It really gives me the deepest pleasure to welcome you to my small home page. I hope that you will like what you see and try to stop by again to see what I added of new touches. There will be always many more, to be sure.
Here you will read some of my Heartfelt Words that I wrote over the last few months.
Please before leaving take a minute to sign my Guestbook to tell me what you think about my site. I will be so delighted if I knew you were here.
~~~~~Make yourself at home and have fun~~~~~
May (aka Brightswan)

My site was chosen as one of five spotlighted sites in The Garden House for June, 2000...
Thank you so much my sisters for this overwhelming honor~~~
((From the very moment you view this site, you are touched. The love that pours forth is felt immediately, and carries you through each page. Tomorrow looks brighter due to a visit here.))
Thank you so much Angle for the lovely appreciated compliment..
Please visit my other share-ware graphics site ~*~ Majestic Designs ~*~
You can email me using this form: