Hi  I'm lusciouslou_15400.
Hi, Dont let the name fool you.. it was a name my hubby gave to me before we were married.. We have been  married 23yrs and have 4 kids. Two are in college. One is 10th grade, or otherwise known as Sophomore in High School. Our youngest is going into 8th grade. We are involved in Boy Scouting (2 Eagle Scouts) and in the school band programs. Also my daughter is played slowpitch softball this year. Our team took First Place!!

I enjoy collecting musical water globes, going to craft fairs, visiting with friends and chatting online with new friends. Especially enjoy my chats with people from the UK and Australia and Texas. My best friends pictures are below.
Will talk on most any topic.. NO CYBER!! 
I have a good time playing games on the net too..Yahoo Pool.... and free cell ... and mini putt are my best games to date.. and having a blast !

Life is worth living, Laughter is good for the soul, I love to laugh and have a good time while online.

I also enjoy anything that involves my kids, love their musical programs, or scouting events.

Look for more to come. I'll have to put up some links soon too. Come back again.
*updated Sept 09, 02*
My name is Mary
I can be reached by email at
or yahoo messenger
or ICQ # 21087158
Family Pics
Other online friends
Family Pics2
My best net friends!!
  <<<<Jeff ..aka
  yowieA1... from               Australia
Ray from the UK>>>      
Brenda (formerly from Texas) and Mike
Married and both from Missouri