I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day.
Did you know that according to Roman mythology, cupid was the son of Venus, the goddess of love and beauty? Cupid was known to cause people to fall in love by shooting his magical arrows. But cupid didn't just cause others to fall in love, he himself fell deeply in love.
As legend has it, cupid fell in love with a mortal maiden named Psyche. Cupid married Psyche, but Venus, jealous of Psyche's beauty forbade her daughter in law from looking at Cupid. Psyche, of course, couldn't resist sneaking a peak at her husband. As punishment, Venus demanded that she perform 3 hard tasks, the last of which caused Psyche's death.
Cupid brought Psyche back to life and the gods, moved by their love granted Psyche immorality. Cupid thus represents the heart, and Psyche, the struggles of the human soul.