This page contains links to other websites with invaluable information for shoppers.
Be sure to visit Michelle Herren's page for downloadable forms to keep track of your shops, payments, mileage,  tax info. and more.  A must for any IC

Cathy's Corner has some excellent resources to help you with your writing.

If you are a newbie or thinking about becoming a mystery shopper, and need help with getting started, check out Shopper's Corner at
Sonya's Mystery Shoppers.  There is a self training section that all newbies should find very helpful.

Please explore the
MSPA web site for information about their organization, and Silver and Gold Certification programs.  I highly recommend becoming certified if you are serious about mystery shopping.  I am so glad I decided to become certified.  Since I became certified, I have see quite an increase in my shopping assignments.

This is a link to a cool
online thesaurus.

Need advice about a shop? Get all the help you need from veteran shoppers at, the  2002 award winning mystery shopping  industry web site and support forum.  
