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I know that this site is similar to others you may have seen with the listings etc... What sets this web site apart from those is the fact that my site contains payment information. I have seen only one other site ever that listed this info., but not for as many companies as mine will when I complete this monumental task. Also, the links were not copied from some list & not verified. The links are correct and up to date. The third thing that makes this site different from other sites is the fact that there are grahics and music. I like to think that they add character to the site. Granted, Betty Boop and snowglobes are favorites of mine, as well as music from the 60's and 70's. I know not everyone shares my taste, so I am going to try to mix up the graphics and music to suit other tastes as well. If you have any suggestions for me, please send me an e-mail. Thank You!