Thank you for visiting. If you want to stop this text from moving, all you have to do is place your cursor anywhere in this box. Please use the navigation menu on the right to explore the different areas of this primarily mystery shopping related website.
This site contains a Shopper's Forum/Job Board, shopper map, a huge listing of mystery shopping companies, links to over 50 job boards and self assign sites to check daily for new assignments, and more.
Shoppers, please feel free to post messages on the forum.
Schedulers are always welcome to post their open shops there also.
There's also a section here that contains nothing but listings of companies who do focus groups, paid surveys, medical reasearch, and product testing studies. These research projects pay really well. It is well worth it to take the time sign up with these companies.
Please be warned that this site is a work in progress, please bear with me. Not all of the sections are complete. I do lead a very busy life.
I am always updating the information here, so check back often for the latest additions. If you have any comments or suggestions, please send me an e-mail. (Just hit the E-Mail button on the nav. bar.)
I really hope you find something useful on this site. FYI-This is strictly a non-profit site. Furthermore, I have no control over the pop up windows advertising that appears on this site. I have worked very hard for quite some time to compile the information found on this website. Please do not copy, reproduce, or try to sell any of the information here without my express written consent. Thank you!
Webmistress and creator of this site
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