<BGSOUND SRC="/b_flylady/TRAMMPS__Disco_Inferno.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Page last updated on 08/02/2003
Bare Associates International
Payment is processed on the 16th of the month for shops that were completed the previous month.
Barfly Consulting Inc.
Recruits shoppers who have worked in a reataurant or bar.  They serve the San Fransisco Bay area.
Barry Leeds and Associates
They pay 60 days after the assignment was completed and received.  I received payment from them in 6 weeks.
Better Marketing Associates Inc (BMA)
You willl be paid within 15 days of completion of assignments.
Beyond Hello
They pay via Paypal. For information about PayPal please visit the link at the bottom of the page. Signing up with Paypal is a must for the serious shopper since so many companies are using it now to make shopper's payments.  It's fast, easy, and FREE! You even earn $5 for signing up.
Beyond Marketing Group
BLD Scheduling Services
Sign up to be in this scheduling service's database.
Brand Marketing International LTD
The Browning Agency
Business Insights Group Inc.
Business Evaluation Services
When they pay:4-6 weeks after report is received in office.
Business Research Lab
Byers Choice Inc.
Tip: Spice up your reports by using this online Thesaurus.
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Now Playing: Disco Inferno-Trammps