This World Is Not My Home

There's an old christian song that says, "this world is not my home, I'm just a passing through...". It is a comforting thought to know that this is true. The minds of mankind have been plagued with the question of what follows death as long as people have been dying. We can look into the cultures of all the races of humans in all the various parts of the world and each one has their distinct belief in the continued existence of the human soul or spirit in the "after" life. Atheists would have us believe that all these beliefs are just 'mumbo jumbo' and 'superstitious babbling' of uneducated minds. They say, the reasoning man must put aside all emotional "desire" to live on and come to the truth that when we die that it is over, zilch, caput, nada, nothing, emptiness, total and complete non-existence. Live for today! Well, the uneducated, the ignorant and the unlearned win this one! Many have bought into that "live for now" and "live for yourself' and the world is not the better for it!
   We must put the blame where blame is due. There is a reason that many feel as they do about such obvious contradictions the religions world has presented to us. That reason is religion itself. Religion, which has had the most wonderful potential to do good and to teach truth and spread hope, compassion, tolerance and peace, has caused many to rebel against it because it has been responsible for so many human atrocities, murders, rapes and other gross injustices of man against man. Because the religious leaders have used religion to promote their own vanities and desires for power and control. With all the contridictions religion has layed at the feet of all reasonable thinking persons it is indeed a miracle that everyone hasn't turned completey away from it. The atheists have. The problem is, they have thrown out the baby with the bathwater. In their rebellion against organized religion and all that it stands for, they have denied some of the greatest promises of hope and peace that religion has to offer. I'll live on and on, yes, I'll live on, through eternity, I'll live on..., is another church song which expounds this hope of eternal existence.
   Spiritualism... is many things. It is a concept, it is a belief and it is a way of life. The most amazing thing about spiritualism is the fact that it doesn't just present us with "hope" of unknown possibilities, spiritualism offers us proof! That is what I wish to do with this web page, provide you with some of the facts about spiritualism, about you, about us and about what is to come. I'll also tell you how to get that "proof" I just mentioned, so you too can know there is life after life (some call it death) and what to expect. So, please, read the things I have to say and if there are things I haven't said, you would like to know about, or things I have said need further explanation, then write me and let me know. If you can't believe everything you read, that is ok..., but please consider it as a "maybe" and think about it. Many things we aren't ready to accept now, we may see in a different light later. Thanks for visiting my web page.
Dennis Swindler