Human Struggles

    We come to this earth for a reason. We have a page on responsibility (service). There we learn our obligations are to learn to love one another, to serve one another and help one another. Well, we have to learn to do that. Those lessons are not innate in us to the standpoint that they are automatic.., sometimes selectively, but not universally. IF our soul is always evolving then it stands to reason that it needs a place to do so. This is it.
     Zareth says, "All children of evolution have the right to progression. All the children have the right to live in a way that gives them a challenge." That's what humanity gives to the progressing spirit, it puts us in a mix where everyone is at a different level of progression (evolution) and allows us to learn the lessons of humanity, i.e., caring for our fellow man.
    The Spirit guides teach us that it is harder to learn some lessons over there than it is here because when we are there, we are amongst like-minded individuals and it's easy to have harmony and happiness. Here we face challenges everyday. We face ego and selfishness, we face fear and anger, we face hate and prejudice, we face jealousy and envy, all the characteristics we must learn to push to the background and overcome if we are truly going to be able to serve each other. What all this does is prepare us for being able to live harmoniously in the spirit world.
    One thing the spirit guides stress to us is, when we go over there (through death) we don't change. If we are obnoxious here, we will be obnoxious there. If we hate people here, we will hate people there. If we are proud and haughty here, we will also be over there. All these things have to be worked on and utimately removed. Lots of it can be (slowly) taught over there or taught over and over here until we get it right.
    Ever seem like the same type of thing keeps happening to you? It's because you aren't learning the lesson from it you should be. When you get through with lesson 1 you get to move to lesson 2, quite a simple formula, and they (you) have all the time in the world. Because, if you don't learn it the first time through (and no one does), you get to come back and keep trying... at your own pace. Oh, yes, we believe in reincarnation. This goes on until the joyous day we go back to spirit and have learned all the lessons we need here, and can begin serving over there.
     Who do we serve, those who haven't made it as far as us. We serve those who have gone over and aren't very evolved yet. We serve those who have gone over unexpectedly, such as in accidents, suicides, wars, all those events that cause someone to return to the spirit world before their normal end of life time. We serve troubled spirits, those who are going through the things we have already gone through. Most importantly, as we serve others we are serving ourselves.
     So, the message I am saying is, we have these daily struggles because they are our lessons, our modus operandus, the method of teaching. Remember when going to school, we would be given assignments to go home and work out. Then after having done the assignments there were always tests? Yep, that's the same thing. Same assignments every time... SERVICE. Then constant tests to see if we have learned or not. Are you still here? You haven't learned then. I'm here and I'm learning. Zareth says, "...Many people feel they are missing out in life when they are not doing something wonderful or great. It is not given to all to do these things. But have you not noticed that in living itself you are taking on a challenge? Yes, it is in the essence of your everyday living. You meet people every day of your life, and each one will relate to you differently, and you to them. at the end of every day you may let your mind wonder over the conversations, the coming together, the deliberating. You may at times be irritated, and you wonder why so-and-so is so determined that he is right. It may irritate you a lot, and your mind may go over and over. Well, at least it may irritate you, but that person is getting to you, in some way. Why is it that you are so different? Is it the belief, is it the knowledge? Is that person wrong, are you right, are you both wrong? Are you both partly right? It is a difficult life.
    When you have these avenues daily, they are your challenges. People do not see it, but it surely is. They are you trying to find yourself. How you think, how you are, how you relate, how you think about people, how you judge, how you criticize, are you envious, do you get angry, do you sulk, or are you moody? Now we know thse are the everyday thoughts and feelings, and we know, we do not think about them much, we simply live it. We live, we go through these motions. We go through them every day, and we don't give them any serious thought. But in these days whatever your day has been, it has been your challenge. ...But in the everyday existnce, when it is going along, no one believes it is a challenge. I know when you are living often you do not see it as a challenge, only when you are in your testing period {times when traumatic events occur}. But in the everday existence, when it is going along, no one believes it is a challenge. But when difficulties are there, then the heaviness descends upon you, and then we see it as a challenge. ...many people say they are searching, that they do not know who they are. Well, they have only to look within and find their thoughts, the kind of way they are living, the way they relate ot others, how others relate to them. They know who they are." Another place he says that we cannot understand the suffering of others unless we have felt that pain ourselves. Pain is our ladder to growth and understanding.


"...remember that in your darkest hour you may be in your strongest moment of time, and when you have darkness you have the light also, and when you have the light you can see it as light, and enjoy it so very much more than one who has the light always and takes it for granted.
  When you are happy, rejoice, because you are indeed blessed. Enjoy every moment of happiness, so that you will be equipped when you have another digression as it were, for even in your digression you will know that you will be happy again. But your happiness will be happiness well earned, and that is the true happiness, that which is truly earned, the joy that sings within, the ever singing joy within, that no darkness can put out, or knock down. That joy, that inner glowing that is the true you, that inner glow that can shine in the darkness. I see your light shine in the darkness of this planet, and I know that they are lights that will help this world. When I see lights I know, I say, I am happy, this will be a blessed place. But if I see darkness, I wish the light were there.
  So you see, we need all the light we can muster. We need your glowing lights so very much in this world. The world that can become dark overnight as it were, where wars erupt and darkness assails the people and there is darkness all around. Then it is that we need you so much. We need every glow, every light, every sparkle. Always strive to shine, even when you are down try and gleam, because we need it, we need that gleam, we need you.
  Remember that light will uplift the world, and darkness will pull it down. So always uplift. Strive and strive to be a glowing light. Just as the Nazarene, the Buddha, and those who came before and those who have come since, those were shining lights upon the world. They appear here and there, those who make a mark upon the world, those who do good works, and those who make a noise, a loud clanging. Yet they help everyone. Everyone in his own way trying to uplift humanity. It isn't simply a nothing thought to say, "Hello, how are you?" Or to say hello to a stranger, but uplift one who is down.
  You are doing it from your inner soul light, from your love that is within. Every kind act that you do is from your inner self. All those kindnesses that come from you are your own blessed selves, the light that is within, glowing within you. Never never think that any kind thought goes unnoticed, the smallest is part of you, the very smallest.
  So, remember that all those very small pieces added together make a large piece, a large piece of yourself that is beautiful. Remember that so many of you put yourselves in a bad place. You do not see yourselves as you truly are. Never be afraid to give your pleasant self an opportunity. Many are so shy and timid, and afraid to put their pleasant self out. Love is very necessary in the world, so very necessary. So many are lost and lonely, and a kind thought can lighten a day. We see it, the very smallest, yes, the very smallest thought, and each small thought makes you what you are."
      {zareth Chapter 28}


When a little baby comes, you look at it and you say, "How beautiful, how fresh, how sweet." But not always, for little children suffer as do adults. Many will say that this is unjust and unfair, and that it should not be. I know that it is very difficult indeed to watch a little one suffer, but this is the law in action. It is not God, or Jesus, or your guides, or whoever, it is every individual soul's pathway being worked out. That is why it is so important that you gain here, and do not wait.

If a little child comes back and has a burden, it has known this before it entered, for it knows the life that it will live, the pathway of its life, but mercifully it forgets this when birth occurs. Individuals who have a little soul who is suffering are also having a challenge, for you suffer because the little one is suffering. You cry out to God, "Why is this allowed?" But God did not do it. The law was created a long long time ago, and man must live by this law, or there would be chaos. Think of it, absolute chaos. If there was not this law to live by, everyone would live for themselves alone, and mankind would live in great danger. It is because there is this law and you evolve, and some of you evolve well enough to help the world, If there were not these individuals in the world, these individuals who have a measure of light to help you always, these individuals who fight for a light in the world and who are constantly fighting against darkness, you would have succumbed to darkness by now. You should be thankful that here are souls who evolve always, and you should be thankful for this law. It is a personal one, the law of cause and effect. You think this over! If there were not this law, you know yourselves that there would be chaos, because every soul could do as they pleased. What a world it would be then, don't you see?

So, be thankful there is this law. It may seem harsh but it is not, because it gives every individual soul the opportunity to work out its problems. If a little child is working out its problems from an early age onward, it means that its problem is a difficult one, but it is having an individual choice, and it has taken it. The parents have agreed to take this responsibility to teach this child, so the child understands, so the the child will not become embittered, but will take up the life strongly, and grow, and perhaps in a few years become either healed or else return to the spirit world.

There is always a reason, and it is a just one, I can assure you. No-one comes to this earth unjustly. So think of it and do not try to reason out a person's difficulty as to why he is here, why he going through such a problem, but instead help him as best you can, and give him love, so that he finds love in his life, and can become loving. So many people become bitter in difficulty, and so hold themselves back, and may have to return again and again.

So you see, this is why I say, "Hold fast to your beliefs." Be a loving, kind and compassionate individual. Try to make your space in life a beautiful one, so that you are an example to humanity. You have your choice, No-one, no-one can do it for you. The truth is very simple, and the law is very simple. The difficulty is in living it out. When you fall, lift yourself up and say you will try again because you will fall, but you are not held down. You can, by your own efforts lift yourself up agian. Whatever your difficulty, try to see it in the light of reasoning, try to understand why it is there, why the person or the problem is as it is." {Zareth - Chapter 35)