Soul Mates

FIND YOUR SOUL MATE, JUST SEND IN ... DOLLARS! The oft used (and badly misued) "new age" catch phrase has lead many to believe there is one special person out there who is made especially for you and only you. So, we think we have gotten stuck with ol whats his/her name, when mister/miss wonderful is out there just waiting for me. Ah, the fickle finger of fate strikes again. While it is true there are affinities out there, and we should look for them before marrying mr/miss wrong, affinities are many while soul mates are extremely rare. Soul mates rarely ever meet on the earth plane, and it is very hard for them to find each other on the spiritual plane.

Zareth says this on the subject of affinities and soul mates
     No marriage in heaven, only people of a like spirituality, people who are drawn to one another, live together. Then of course, a group may be working together and they may desire to live together too. So as I told you, Robert's mother has now progressed and is living with her sister, the sister whom she loved dearly and is very happy. We do not see her these days, she is busy, busy with her sister. We will see her when she has more time and has got over her pleasurable life and is settling in more to it.
    Then again we do have man and woman who are together because they are affinities. Now affinities are souls who are akin. When they are in the spirit world, if they happen to be in the same area, or quite close, they will come together and stay together and live together. It is only by choice. Sometimes one does not meet with an affinity for thousands and thousands of years, but some do quite quickly. Very few have their affinities on earth, very few. This is why in your marriage partners you do not have perfection, because there are many degrees of love. You may have a deep love for someone but it will not be the perfect soul love. This will help you to understand why people are not suited to one another. People are sometimes drawn together for the wrong reasons, a physical attraction for instance, not a soul attraction, but it is the soul and when you dwell with another, even if it is of the same sex, it is because you love each other dearly and choose to live together.
    This goes on throughout all the realms in the spirit world. As people are very close and attracted to each other, they choose to live together. It is very odd how suddenly you will come across one whom you feel, oh, so close and you love them most dearly, just that moment, and you know that you are akin, as you are in strong harmony and you will wish to be close to that person, to live together, to work together.
      This is how it will be for you. When you are there finally it will be those you are attracted to, those you feel you would like to be with always, that you will live with, not necessarily your husband or your wife, but then again some do because they do love dearly and they choose to go along together. But a day may come when they find they are not true affinities and they find another. But they will never lose that love and they will always be able to contact each other and be together on occasion. If you have on this earth a deep love and a deep affection, that tie of love will never be lost, I assure you. Where there is a deep love, that link is forged forever, and it will never die. Even if you return to this earth, when you come together again in the spirit world you will recognize each other because there is the love between you. So never fear, never. Love of the soul is a beautiful emotion and the Father who loves us all most dearly has given us love and implanted it in our beings. Do you think He would pluck it from us and take it from us because we have passed over? No, indeed. It is given to you in greater measure, the love of the spirit realms when it is true it is ecstasy, ecstasy of soul and you blend together in pureness of soul and it is a true feeling that surpasses earthly love! It surpasses it so greatly that you will be amazed. You will have emotion. You will still have tears if you cry; you can weep. You will have your emotions, your deep feelings. They will not leave you. So do not think you will be lost or without love. All souls are beloved.

In another chapter he says....
Now these people who are affinities meet now and then in some of their lives, not all. Sometimes two will meet, and then perhaps not for some time, and then perhaps they will meet again. Then maybe others will meet. It is not a normal thing for all to meet on the earth, it is not usual, but it could happen. I will not say that it could not, but it is not a usual thing, because each one travels the spiritual path at a different speed, just as all of you do.

Further explanation of where soul connections come from

Now everyone knows that we evolve through many lives. We try to achieve perfection. In the beginning man was very primitive, and in the world today there are still primitive peoples. If you cast your mind to these you will have some understanding what I am referring to. But those who are in the western world have evolved through trial and tribulation to this point where you are very evolved in technology. But I would not say that the whole world was evolved spiritually. Indeed far from it. But there are many who are attempting, and are walking along a path that will eventually lead them to more spirituality.

Now most people are born this way life after life, through normal channels, and I have taught this way in the heavens, when the time comes, but it is thought best that you return, because you can learn much more swiftly upon this planet than you can in the spirit realms. The reason for this is that in the spirit world everyone who is on the plane where you find yourself, is similar to you spiritually. So it is more difficult to progress because you will not have the difficulties of personalities or individualities assailing you. But once you come here to this planet you have all types, and it is difficult to learn because it seems that one thing and another tries to drag you down. But when you are aware, and you have a firm resolution, and when you understand these spiritual truths, then you have something to hold on to that helps you whatever the struggle.

Now these normal channels are not always the procedure, but now and then, I would not say very often, indeed I would not, but now and then a very high angel, one who has been in the spirit realms a long long time, way back, a way back in time, will have some desire to know further the plans of earth, the problems, the growth, and try to understand the peoples more clearly. Because when you are far away, one loses touch if one does not descend now and then to the lower realms, and discover man as he arrives. But these very high beings do not descend very low, not even half way. So if you can, see a very shining being who want to know the problems of the earth, so that they can help with their great power.

Now if you are such a being you have a very large soul within you, a great globe of light. It is hard to comprehend. So this being could be man or woman, will take a portion of the soul. He will know how to do it, we will not go into that for it is too complicated, but we will say that he removes a portion. Then he will break that portion up into as many pieces as he/she desires. Then they will be born into new-born children, and they will be the souls of the new-born children. Now usually these children will have some part to play in life. These are the types that take up a burden. These are the types that make their mark in life somewhere, someone like the Nazarene or the Buddha, or some other well known person. Not necessarily in that light of teaching but some other way. Some other struggle, someone like Moses, or Isaiah, someone like that. So you see these people touch many others, and in so touching, this being in the heights will have a link with this one that has taken up life, and he will then know the implications of life through that link. It is a bond, it is very tenuous. At first it is not easy to hold this link, but as the person matures, and takes up other lives, then perhaps it becomes more able to pick up the link. So you see, these people, however, many the number, be it six, three, ten, or whatever, these people whenever they come together again, finally when they do not have to return to earth, and have progressed because of their labour on the earth, will know each other because they are from the one source. They will be what is known as affinities. Now do you understand? I am sorry I did not finish it last time. But I hope it is clear to you.

It is a very very wonderful thing to belong to such a group, because the love is so very strong, and always you have your family as it were, never to be parted. It is a wonderful thing. However many you are, you always belong. I do not think we ever find out who that person is, in the heights maybe. Sometimes, but if you remember, that being was very high before he sent the sparks of himself to earth, and so you see he has gone on from there. It is not very likely he will meet the parts of himself unless he decided to descend, when they are high enough. That is the way I see it. Now these people who are affinities meet now and then in some of their lives, not all. Sometimes two will meet, and then perhaps not for some time, and then perhaps they will meet again. Then maybe others will meet. It is not a normal thing for all to meet on the earth, it is not usual, but it could happen. I will not say that it could not, but it is not a usual thing, because each one travels the spiritual path at a different speed, just as all of you do. Not every soul can travel at the same rate, depending upon what life they have taken up, where they have been born. The parents, the peers, whomever they meet, whatever life they have had, whatever their difficulties, each will grow at a different pace. Know that it is better so that they travel a different path. Because when you meet such a being the love is so strong. It is very difficult to do your usual duties, because the bond is so demanding. You can see that, can you not? So you see it is best for you to have a life where you have more or less done a great deal, and are able to rest upon your laurels, so to speak. But I have noticed in my life that I usually was not with those who were my own. I knew them when I passed on, but I did not know them in life. But I have found them since. It is my great joy to belong to that family.

So, I think the picture we can see, looks pretty much like this..
The love connection ---------
---- People who love one another only onn the earthly plane (most common) --
---- People who are affinities who have actually been together
    before on the earthly plane (less common) --
---- People who are affinities who have been together only in
    spirit before (common) --
---- Soul connections that come from thee same spirit source who might
    meet (extremely rare) --

Therefore, don't let people confuse you. Soul mates are not out there looking for one another. We are walking our paths and won't know each other

Dennis Swindler

Last updated 7.7.2008