The Myth of MY |
No, she is not MY wife, they are not MY children! These might seem like strange statements, but spirit teaches us to be aware of the truth. The truth is... we do not own our partners or our kids because they are not ours to own. That is the sense in which I am speaking right now. These persons are simply spirits who have come to this earth, like we have, to learn. We may have spawned a child or married a woman, but we have only created the physical connection and not the spiritual. Contrary to popular belief, one man can find many women to live with and visa versa. All that means is, we have compatibilities with many different people. We can love many different people. We prove this over and over again, when a partner dies and we somehow find another one and are able to love them like we did the first. Also, when we are married to someone and we fall out of love with them and get divorced and marry someone else. Love shines in our eyes like it did the first time. Zareth says, You can do it, you have the knowledge. You know, as those in the heavens know, the heavenly part, they know that they have to understand that love can be shared, and not to be afraid when somebody else loves your beloved, that love can be shared, that love has many many degrees. You learn that here too. Love has many many degrees to it. We can all share in the heavens. What he is talking about is growing spiritually to the point of being not jealous over love and companionship. He's talking about reaching the area of self-realization where-in we must put away all the petty envies and angers and jealousness that we take with us to the spirit world from the physical world. THOSE ARE THE PROBLEMS OF MY - MINE - et al the words that denote possession. Because of the possessiveness we are taught in the physical, when MY partner decides to cheat on me or leave me, I become devastated my world falls apart, what am I to do? When the truth is we should never let anyone else be our world. We are born alone and when we die, it will be ourselves that we look at to see what we have done and not our partners or our children. We come here with the sole reason of OUR own spiritual growth. If we meet ones we can love along the way, then we and they are the better for it. People come into our lives for the simple reason of growth. They teach us things, help us with our lessons and hopefully we are able to teach them things too. Real love is unending. We can carry that love with us into the spiritual world also. But we don't have to. If someone decides to leave, we should just be grateful for our time with them, thank them for the companionship and the oportunity for growth. Then... KNOW that we will move on to other lessons, other teachers and more knowledge and growth. We will end up in the same place whether we do it with lots of grief or just lots of understanding. When a husband and wife both die, it is not necessary that they spend their spiritual existence together. They might have hated each other, and welcome the ability to be rid of them. But, chances are, they won't be on the same level of spiritual advancement anyway and may not make their spiritual lives together ever again. That is alright. The same with our kids or our parents or our friends. Sometimes, there are bonds of great love and kinship that are formed and they get carried over into the spiritual and they last eternally. Two or more people can bond together and learn together and progress together and grow together. Kris and I are always kidding each other about, coming down to see the other one. Chances are good that will be the case. That is not a bad thing. We will go where we belong when we get to the spirit world. If she is ahead of me, then maybe I can catch up or maybe not. My spirit life will not be centered around her, like my physical life is. If we are close enough together to grow spiritually together, then great. I would like that immensely. But the thing we have to learn once we get there, is she is not mine. When we can put away the problems of the lower realms. Zareth continues, You may say, 'What can we do in the heavens to make mistakes?' You can still envy, because others go ahead faster than you, or someone loves them and doesn't seem to love you as much, or someone is more able than you in something that you wish to do. This is the way it is here, you know, just the same. So you still have those parts within you to deal with. So you see, it is very wise for you to try and lose those parts now, before you go, so that you can reach the area of Self-Realization speedily.... You take a step forward every time you forget self and think of the other person. It is very hard because the self is very strong within mankind. But that is the lesson to be learned. It is a very difficult lesson, but it is the lesson. If you are selfless you will have overcome the other lessons that have to be learned. Because if you are selfless, you will not harm another person. You will not give out hate, nor will you be selfish, nor will you be critical, nor filled with envy. When you have learned if you can do it here, that will mean that you have reached the stage that all souls have to. In the spirit world when people each the area of Self-Realization, that is the lesson they have learned. It takes quite a long time. When they do, they have taken a great step forward. So remember, and let that word stay within your mind, selflessness. Because it is the angels that are selfless, the higher beings that are selfless. If you were in our realms, and you could see who it is that helps those who are lower, it is the higher beings. They give up their beauty to descend, to help those who are below. They hope to teach them to act in a selfless manner, to show them that this is the means of progression. The trouble with your world is selfishness. It is everywhere. Selfishness and pride. So, it is that we are to do away with that possesiveness of My and Mine. I know it's hard, and don't expect myself or anyone else to be able to do it simply, but, the truth is there for us to know and when we have that truth to come back to, then the dissappointments of losing children and partners doesn't carry us into despair and endless nights of self pity and sadness. Though we can't keep the truth always, we can come back to it always, but only if we know it. Spirit wants us to know it, so they teach us and we pass it on. |