
How fortunate are those who can take these steps on passing from this life! Is your essence holding you back? Is your essence keeping you in a place that you do not step from, but seem rooted in the spot? If you remain in that dull essence, your presence will be dull, and you will not bring joy to others, or even happiness of a mediocre kind. This life is the means by which you grasp your opportunities. This life is the means by which you pick up the challenges one by one, and as you become stronger you see the design that is there for you, the individual you. You see it come forth. You know that all you have endured has been leading you to this point. How many times do you struggle and then a few months later you see the design, and you see how it has worked out, and you wonder. You say, "I should not have bothered getting into such states of misery." How many times do you get into a sad state and you think all is lost and it does not happen? Your essence must become strong. Your essence must be cleansed. Your essence must not see the darkness in others. But rather see a being who is in need, a being who is struggling with his/her challenge, a being who may be bewildered, may not have your opportunities.

How many times do you say to yourself, " I do not know why she is acting this way. She has everything", or "why is he so greedy? He has enough." You see, you are witnessing those people working out their challenges. Their essence is visible to you. You wonder why. That is what I am trying to say. They are they and you are you. We are all on our own pathway. It is you challenge, your life, your individual life. It should be your individual life that interests you. It should be your life that you are concerned with, when all is over on this place, it won't be your neighbor, or your spouse, or your child, or your cousin, aunt, uncle, grandparents, it will be you alone. Do you see what I mean? All the struggles of life are individualized in everyone, but all the joys, pleasures, happiness, all the emotions are there. How we all long that happiness could be the way forever. Well, answer me this, when you have the sunshine every day, day after day, the grass turns and the flowers wilt, what do you want? Rain.

Rain is necessary to you. … It is very strange, but nature herself can be lessons for us. Though a little rain must fall on the plants and flowers to give them nourishment, so a little rain must fall in your life to make you strong. If you have pleasure forever, you would not understand your brother or sister if they are in difficulty. When you are ill you understand how another feels when they are ill. If you have never never felt sad, how could you understand another's sorrow? You see, it is very necessary to feel, to feel pleasure/joy, and sadness, to see the other side, to be concerned about our loved ones. You know you love your family, or your spouse, and you want everything good for that person. But it isn't possible. You live in a world that is imperfect. But you find that even when things are difficult they pass. The sun shines again and everything is smooth. You may be hampered by boulders, or rocks or pebbles on your pathway, but people are unhappy when there is nothing much happening. You should take this part of your life, when there is not much happening, and it's a time of rest, a way to rebuild, a way to find out, a way to enjoy other pleasures, to explore, but not to be dull. … When you have these periods of rest, enjoy them.