In Loving Memory of

Bishop Nedeom Putney, D.D.

Presiding Prelate, Union Assembly Church of Christ

Disciples of Christ Incorporated

Pastor, New Friendship Church of Christ, Disciples of Christ

Richmond, Virginia


Bishop Nedeom Putney, D.D., a devoted husband, loving father, grandfather, and a dedicated shepherd and servant of the Lord departed this life to eternal peace on Sunday, August 1, 2004 after a powerful sermon in celebration of Family & Friends' Day at New Jerusalem Church of Christ, Disciples of Christ, Brooklyn, New York.

Bishop Putney, the presiding prelate of the Union Assembly, was pastor of New Friendship Church of Christ, Disciples of Christ, Richmond, Virginia.  He also previously pastored the St. James Church of Christ, Disciples of Christ, Elm City, North Carolina. 

Bishop Putney's smile, wit, leadership, love, concern, and generous service will be missed by his family, friends and congregational families. 

We gratefully acknowledge the love and service Bishop Putney gave and the many lives he touched.  We stand in humility and awe of a great man of God!  We love you and will miss you. 

We praise God that through His Son, Jesus our Savior, Bishop Putney now rests in eternal peace.