Dog Stories

My Doggy Ride

 By Rottie Dancer

    Hey this is Rottie (RottieDancer99) welcome to Riders And Rotties Stories.  Me and my partener Rider(DogRider) have told many great stories on riding or just cool memories with our dogs.  We have both enjoyed listening and think u will to.  Id like to start with my favorite of the tales told to Rider.  Which had to have been the time I first started riding.  Well with out further adoo lets start.     

I have a pure bread Rottwieler whose name is Storm.  A petty big dog  (one of the breeds menchined on our large dogs page). As being young I thought it might be a cool idea to try riding him.  Storm is sort of the hiper Rottie so I knew I was in for quite the ride.  I got on one step at a time.  When i was finally on him I yelled go Storm,  Storm ripped from one end of the house to the other in about 8 seconds of time.  I neerly fell off.  Then for that time I thought I was done for good.  I went on for time not interested in riding.  Then one day I was on aol and started chatting with Rider.     

We became friends and found a interst we both had.  It was riding I told him my problem and we started to brainstorm on how to stay on.  Rider then came up with a great idea why not try putting on his collor hooking his leash to him and holding on.  I tried that and it worked.  But before hand I had tried to calm him down and pet him give him some treets before riding.  Warning do not try this at home without permission and supervision.  



My Favorite Dog Ride

By Dog Rider

When I lived in New Hampshire, I knew two HUGE Golden Retriever. They belonged to a neighbor and would come over to my house to see me. I would take them into the wood, or to the stream, somewhere my dad could not see me. He did not want me riding dogs, so I took them deep in the woods where no one could see us. Both dogs were as tall as my chest and they were very strong. I would lie down on one dog's back and ride him. When he was tired I rode on the other dog. I could ride all day this way.

If you ever thought of riding dogs yourself, here is a warning: When riding a Golden, stay away from water. I was riding one day and the dog jumped right into the middle of the stream. I was soaked . Golden's love water and it takes a long time for them to dry. I took off my wet clothes and joined the dog in the middle of the stream. The dog stood drinking water as I tried to get him to play. When the dog did come to me I thought it would be fun to ride him out of the stream. I slipped my leg over his back and wiggled into a good position. I lean forward and told him to go as fast as he could. My fists dug into his neck fur as he lunged out from the water. My chest bounced against his shoulder with each powerful leap and I slid backwards every time he thrust forward. His wet fur felt good against my naked legs.

When we were out of the water I told him to run as fast as he could. The Golden ran with powerful strides. I tried to keep my head up to see where we were going. It felt like we had run forever. When we did stop, I just laid on his back. I was out of breath. My heart was pounding real hard and I was shaking all over. The dog sniffed around waiting for me. When I did slip off his back I found I couldn't stand up and fell to the ground. The Golden was all over me. He licked me my face. He got on top of me and would not let me stand up. Everytime I tried to stand he would wrestle me to the ground. I finally just let him lie on top of me and waited until he calmed down. When he finally got up I stood up and noticed all the scratches on my legs, arms and back. I must have hit every branch and sticker bush. Funny thing, I didn't feel any pain, and I didn't care.

It was getting late by the time I reme mbered I had to go back to the stream and collect all my clothing. By this time, the dog's fur was dry. I leapt on his back and felt him give a little as I landed. I sat upright with a fist full of fur and rode him like a horse. We were both tired and only trotted back to the stream. His soft fur felt good under me. I slipped off of his back just as he re-entered the stream. I got into my clothing and we headed home.


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