Rachael Rebecca Sutton. Daughter of Nathaniel Sutton, and Cynthia Amanda Brown was born 1834,in Madison County Missouri, and died 1874. She was married to John J, Wmiller on Jan,20,1853 in Madison County Missouri.
Nathaniel Sutton the son of John Sutton and Elizabeth Huff born ABT, 1808 in Coke County Tennessee, was married to Cynthia Amanda Brown.
John Sutton born 1782 in Virginia, and died in 1856 or 1857, in Iron County Mo was married to Elizabeth Huff. Was the son of John Sutton, born 1755,in Virginia died 1800, in Jefferson County Mo, married to Betsey----?, researchers indicate Betsey was [a full blooded Cherokee Indian] Died Aft,1835 on the trail of tears.