When the Millers arrived in Missouri is uncertain. One story says the Miller boy's came down the river by boat, Those boy's were Jacob, George, and John, and as they were born in Virginia, guess is they came down the Ohio river. One of George's son's used the name Wirtmiller, and one of John's daughters also used the name Wirtmiller when she married. John's grandson, James L George born 18 Apr, 1885/6 died Feb, 13, 1984 said the Miller's always claimed they came from Holland, using thes clues research indicates this family descended from Joris Wirtmuller who came to this Country in 1682 and settled in Georgetown Pennsylvania. These Wirtmuller's were Swiss but due to religious persecution migrated to Holland which was more tolerant of virious religions. The Wirtmullers were Anabaptist, this information is from the Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society in Lancaster Pennsylvania. Information shows Joris left two Son's a brother, a sister and a brother-in-law Benedict Kunts in Ansterdam. The Wirtmullers appear later in Virginia, in the Counties of Hampshire, Pendleton, Rockingham, and Shenandoah. The predominate name there, was Jacob, John, and George with one Yoris,or Yoric found there, the last record found there is in 1811 when John Wirtmiller and his wife Margaret sold their land in Pendleton County. The 1810 census shows that John was over forty five years old indicating he was born in 1765 or earlier. Probate records in Madison County Missouri on the estate of Isham Harrison shows the first wife of John Wmiller my GGG,Grandfather was Sarah D Harrison the daughter of Isham Harrison and Amey G [Gilliam] Harrison. |
John Wmiller was appointed by the Governor of Missouri as Justice of the peace in Madison County in Aug, 1828 and is believed to have served in that capicity in Liberty Township untill that area became Iron County in 1857. His farm was on Marble creek in section 3 township 32 north, range 4, east. His house was on the west side of the road just north of the hill still known by many as Miller hill on highway E. Tradition says the polling place in Liberty township in Iron County's first election was one of John's stables. John was elected County Judge in that election. He only served one term. John died on Oct, 29, 1882 he was believed to have been 89 years old. John and his wife were burried on their farm. |