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Descendants of Raymond Everett Miller.
[1]  Raymond Everett Miller[5] Andrew Miller[4] Ulysus Alonzo Wmiller[3] John J Wmiller[2]
John Wmiller[1]. Was born at camp eight a timber camp in Wayne County Mo, on Oct,31,1905. Raymond passed away on June,21,1993 at Memphis Tennessee.  He was married [first ]to Alma Myers,she died in 1929.  He married[second] to Sylvia Nadine Helm, at Shook Mo,on Sept,07,1932. Sylvia was the daughter of Cornelius Darl Helm and Martha Jane Bennett.
Child of Raymond Everett Miller and Alma Myers.
I, Alma Jean Miller. Born on Dec,16,1929, at Anapolis Mo.
Children of Raymond Everett Miller and Sylvia Nadine Helm.
II, Donald Ray Miller. Born on June,04,1936, at Shook Mo.
III,  Kenneth Marvin Miller. Born on Feb,04,1939, at Shook Mo.
IV,  Glen Ronald Miller. Born on June,30,1941, At Ellsinore Mo.
V, Mary Lee Miller. Born on Sept,23,1943, at Ellsinore Mo.
Second Generation
[2].  Alma Jean Miller[6] Raymond Everett Miller[5] Andrew Miller[4] Ulysus Alonzo Wmiller[3]
John J Wmiller[2] John Wmiller[1]. Born on Dec,16,1929, at Anapolis Mo. She was married[first] to Ogden Wheelis. Married[second] to Robert A Kleisner, on Dec,20,1960, at Hannibal Mo.
Child of Alma Jean Miller and Ogden Wheelis.
I,  Sandra Lee Wheelis. Born on July,30,1947, at PoplarBluff Mo, died July,31,1947.
Children of Alma Jean Miller and Robert A Kleisner.
II,  Robert A Kleisner[7]. Born on Mar,02,1962, at Loveland Colorado.
III,  Jeffery L Kleisner. Born on Apr,01,1967, at Ironton Mo.
[3]  Donald Ray Miller[6].Raymond Everett Miller[5].Andrew Miller[4].Ulysus Alonzo Wmiller[3]
John J Wmiller[2].John Wmiller[1]. Born on June,04,1936, at Shook Mo. Was married to Donna Mae Crowley, on Dec,13,1957, at PoplarBluff Mo.
Children of Donald Ray Miller and Donna Mae Crowley
I, Patricia Ann Miller. Born on Sept,29,1958, at Laramie Wyoming.
II,  Deanna Lynn Miller. Born on Dec,09,1960, at Laramie Wyoming.
III, Tina Renee Miller. Born on Sept,23,1964, at PoplarBluff Mo.
[4],  Kenneth Marvin Miller[6].Raymond Everett Miller[5].Andrew Miller[4].Ulysus Alonzo Wmiller[3]
John J Wmiller[2].John Wmiller[1]. Born on Feb,04,1939, at Shook Mo. He was married[first] to
Dorthy Maxine Durm, on May,16,1956, Dorthy passed away in Oct,1993. Kenneth married[second] to
Helen Haggett.
Children of Kenneth Marvin Miller and Dorthy Maxine Durm.
I,  Kenneth Michiel Miller. Born on May,10,1957, at Texarkana Arkansas
II,  David Wayne Miller. Born on Jan,24,1959, at Laramie Wyoming.
III,  Raymond Keith Miller. Born on Mar,24,1961, at Laramie Wyoming.
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