It's 2002 at Seubert Central!

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2002 Marches on:
- Happy birthday to Laurie's Uncle Steve!
- Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
- Happy Easter!
- Congratulations to Laurie's brother Jason as he celebrates his confirmation on Easter Sunday!

"Starring, in alphabetical order...Yodelin' Zeke!"
- the "Colonel Homer" episode of The Simpsons

"All the stuff that fits, we'll print"

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Here at Seubert Central, we don't have a mailing list, or a guestbook, or any other information-gathering mechanisms, and we're not trying to sell anything to our guests.  We don't even know how many people are visiting us!  We do offer our visitors the opportunity to e-mail us with any questions, comments, or smart remarks, but we don't solicit any personal information about our visitors.  If you're under the age of 13, you need to get a parent or guardian's permission to send us any information about yourself, and that person needs to send us an e-mail saying that it's OK for you to send it to us!!

Thanks for your kind attention to this important issue!

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