Who Are We? Mission Mr. Goat
Rants Multimedia
5/25/00:  New Person!

Everyone meet       and      meet everyone.

5/22/00:  OH YEAH OH YEAH!

Got a new little "subsection" for ya' all.  It be great for the pirate's! ARRR!  Or not.  Introducing the Glossosaurus.  The new age neo-tech-nified dictionary / thesaurus / glossary / your mom / beer.  Check it!

5/11/00:  Darn Counter

Someone shoot that thing!  :::BLAM:::BLAM:::  Oops...I did.

5/7/00:  Come and get it monkeys!

Monkey monkey monkey.  Oh I added buttons at the bottom.

5-4-00:  Purity Test'll will corrupt you if this page hasn't 

See just how dirty you really are.  For some of you who are young and male this is more of a wish list or something to aspire to.  If you're female and anorexic, you can size yourself up to all the popular little girls just like reading Cosmo.

5/2/00:  Proposals Section UP!

Yes I am crazy.  Please some one stop me.  What time is it?  Go and check it out.  Also other updates in the Who page and the Media page...oh and the Rants page.
4/27/00:  More stuff.  Please someone stop me!

After a bad hangover and some cucumbers I decided to update the site again.  An old (very long) rant is reposted in the new layout format.  The multimedia section has been updated with some shots from the Summer of '99 and a must for all Magic: The Gathering players.

4/27/00:  Oh Yes.  You can begin to pray to me now.

I must say.....damn I'm good.  If you don't like this new layout....TOO BAD, cuz you can't make a better one.  Lots of coo stuff go come online soon!

11/21/99:  God Descends

Life, the * page, as we know it is forever altered.  God makes another empty promise: I will have My true beliefs beheld on this beloved medium.

11/21/99:  Another * Member Shows His Face

A new Member decides to appear.  Say hello............uh........or don't.

11/19/99:  Guedo's Taco Shop Opens!

I hope you guys enjoy your meal.  I sure did.  :::::BURP:::::  That is good $**t.  Enjoy.

11/17/99:  Oh yes!  Fixing more stuff.

Well I fixed a bunch of links and I also slimmed down the HTML.  I am going to be adding new sections.  Downloads.  I will provide some nifty music, movies, and other stuff which * lovers must have.

10/15/99:  It continues more!!!

Updates to general layout stability.  Corrected path name error.  Did NOT change  source code and I DO like how complicated my HTML is.  So deal with it.

10/13/99:  It continues!!!

Reporting in, albeit not within the specified 48 hours.....whoops.? Update:? Mr. Goat has made his first post.? To learn more about the venerable agriculturist, check out his section.? Systems appear operative.

9/27/99:  It begins!!!

It appears I have the general layout functioning.? All members must report in within 48 hours.

Link to the Madness!Taco ShopPurity TestSucker!Monkey's Like BeerGlossosaurus