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Pregnancy Page!  Yes, it finally happened after almost 4 1/2 yrs of marriage and  2 1/2 yrs of infertility treatment....We became pregnant!  Follow our pregnancy as is it progressed by reading our Pregnancy Journal (scroll down for table of contents or click link to follow from the beginning). Our babies were due October 16, 1999...so this is current.  There are lots of surprises as well as helpful information about what to look for at specific times during pregnancy.  Such as: When can you expect to see & hear the heartbeat?  Feel the first kicks?  What about morning sickness -- will it go away? And, what is a yolk sac? :0)  The Ultrasound Scrapbook allows you to view our babies milestones & gives you an idea of what you will see on the screen.  And now that the girls have arrived, you can read their Birth Story. They were born more than 7 weeks early. Check out the Preemie Pages to learn more about early arrivals. :0)

Pregnancy Journal Table of Contents:

                 I'm Pregnant!
                 LMP: 8 days post IVF transfer
                 Entries: 1 & 2
                 Date: February 3-4, 1999
                 Synopsis: HPT comes back with two amazing lines - finally
                 success! Read the first scary feelings of pregnancy after years of

                 LMP: 4.5 weeks
                 Entries: 3 & 4
                 Date: February 10-11, 1999
                 Synopsis: We find out if we are carrying more than one baby.
                 We had 3 embryos transfered.
                 Ultrasound Picture included

                 Yolk Sac(s)!
                 LMP: 5.4 weeks
                 Entries: 5
                 Date: February 17, 1999
                 Synopsis: We see yolk sac(s) for the first time. Another major
                 worry behind us.
                 Ultrasound Picture Included

                 Fetal Pole(s)
                 LMP: 6.2 weeks
                 Entries: 6
                 Date: February 23, 1999
                 Synopsis: We are finally aware of fetal activity. Fetal Pole(s)
                 seen. Another milestone.
                 Ultrasound Picture Included

                 The Beating Heart!
                 LMP: 9 weeks
                 Entries: 7
                 Date: March 10, 1999
                 Synopsis: We got to hear the heartbeat(s) this appointment. So
                 far, the most amazing event!
                 Ultrasound Picture Included

                 LMP: 10.4
                 Entries: 8
                 Date: March 24, 1999
                 Synopsis: Finally, things are taking real shape - baby(ies) finally
                 looks human.
                 Ultrasound Picture Included

                 Head & Tummy
                 LMP: 12.4
                 Entries: 9
                 Date: April 7, 1999
                 Synopsis: We see perfect head(s) & tummy(ies) this week.
                 Ultrasound Picture Included

                 Faces, Toes, & Thumbs
                 LMP: 18.1
                 Entries: 10
                 Date: May 17, 1999
                 Synopsis: We find out the gender of Baby B (Baby A is shy!),
                 Level II ultrasound results, and their sweet faces seen!
                 (4) Ultrasound Pictures Included

                 No more secrets
                 LMP: 19.5
                 Entries: 11
                 Date: May 24, 1999
                 Synopsis: We find out the gender of Baby A -- finally. The baby
                 decides not to be quite so shy. :0)

                 Scares & Bedrest!
                 LMP: 24
                 Entries: 12
                 Date: June 23, 1999
                 Synopsis: We get a big scare at a usual appointment at only
                 21.5 wks LMP. This means bedrest.

                 Amazing belly quakes
                 LMP: 26.4
                 Entries: 13
                 Date: July 11, 1999
                 Synopsis: Developmental psychology of fetus? Last update
                 until their arrival?...and good vibes :0)

                 More miracles!
                 LMP: 29 wks
                 Entries: 14
                 Date: July 29, 1999
                 Synopsis: Our "iffy" situation takes are turn for the good.
                 Growth & fluid on track
                 (2)Ultrasound Picture included

                 Ultrasound Scrapbook
                 LMP: 29.1
                 Entries: Pics only - from day 1 to present
                 Date: July 29, 1999
                 Synopsis: See HUGE footsies, profiles, first smiles, and great
                 facial shots.
                 (Thumbnails) -- should be very quick loading

This Website was created on 23 June 1999.  Designed by K.S. Smith.  All graphics are property of K.S. Smith, do not use any of the graphics without permission.  Updated on 10/15/99.
Send all comments, questions, etc to:  Journey2Baby

-- Copyright 1999 --