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Infertility Pages ~  I thought I would design a page devoted especially for those who are entering the diagnosis and treatment world of infertility.  My goal is to shed some light on this  serious issue; a medical problem that is either on the rise or is finally receiving the attention it deserves.

Contents of Infertility Pages:

Our Story of Loss
Our brief happiness ended in the miscarriage of twins, at the end of our first trimester

Follow our Treatment
From just starting treatment until the eventual success, follow our journey step-by-step

Success Stories
Read how many have overcome infertility through adoption, pregnancy, & surrogacy

Journey2Baby: Beginner's Guide to Infertility Treatment
Our detailed website that's teaches you the basics & offers community interaction

Other Infertility Websites
Links to other personal websites regarding infertility, as well to informational sites

Join our Infertility Webring
If you'd like your infertility site connected to those of similar interest, sign up!

This Website was created on 23 June 1999.  Designed by K.S. Smith.  All graphics are property of K.S. Smith, do not use any of the graphics without permission.  Updated on 6/23/99.
Send all comments, questions, etc to:  Journey2Baby

-- Copyright 1999 --