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Welcome!  This our new home online, which is solely dedicated to our family.  This page will serve as a "What's New" page.  Please follow the links above (on the horizontal navigation bar) to visit your topic of interest.  Hope you enjoy your visit -- be sure to bookmark this page, things change very quickly at the Smith Family's Twin Heaven.   :0)

What's New?

I know an UPDATE has been long overdue! We've had BIG changes in our life since I last updated this page....mainly the birth of our wonderful little (well he's actually pretty big) surprise -- TANNER JAMES. He came as quite a shock. I found out I was pregnant during our Christmas vacation last year. I never suspected that we could get pregnant on our own. You can imagine our delight & disbelief. Read more about Tanner, hear his birth story, and see his pictures here.

Tanner was due on my twins' 4th birthday, but came via section August 13th. The twins are in love with their new baby brother. They have grown up so quickly. They attend preschool now as well. Life is good -- we are SO BLESSED!

Click here for the most recent pictures of the entire family - these will be updated frequently.

We are finally uploaded & organized.  Although all links are currently working, if you stumble across any problems please send email. We hope to add more features to the site -- this is an ongoing process, we will continue to make renovations as needed. Please note that certain pages of the photo album are restricted - they may only be viewed by friends/family who have an access code. However, we have added some pics on the 'family' page that can be viewed by the general public.

Visit the Ultrasound Scrapbook to see our twins in the making!  Watch our babies grow from simple sacs to complex human beings -- with HUGE feet.  Sadly, we may end up having to protect several more pages with passwords -- including the ultrasound scrapbook. I hate to do this, and am watching the situation closely (as I am learning the hard way it's not so easy to trust everyone online :0().

Before the babies, we struggled for years with infertility.  We share our story in hopes that can learn from it & gain support.  There are many links within the text of our journal. 

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This Website was created on 23 June 1999.  Designed by K.S. Smith.  All graphics are property of K.S. Smith , do not use any of the graphics without permission.  Updated on 9/19/2006.
Send all comments, questions, etc to:  Journey2Baby

-- Copyright 1999 --