If you are interested in giving money to missions, there are a few ways to go about it, but first, let me educate you on some key issues:
1) The money from this portion of my website goes strictly to those people who are missionaries to the land of Israel. If you would like to designate them elsewhere, of course your gift will be granted to them. Israel is the main point of destination unless otherwise noted. Maybe you ask, "Why Israel?" After doing some research last Fall, I came across a very staggering statistic. Only 2% of the entire population of Israel believes in the Christian doctrine. That's right 2% -- that's less than 500,000 in the land which I call home to my faith. God has laid the people of Israel on my heart, therefore, that is where all of my missions money if directed.
2) If you have a Paypal account, please let me know. This account makes it a lot easier to transfer money, and all you need is a bank account and an email address. If you would like to sign up for a Paypal account, just go to Paypal.com. It is easy and takes almost no time to set up. You can also send a money order or cash to my address, where I will send off the funds at one time:
3) This page is just a way to pledge a certain amount. If you would like to do it weekly, monthly, yearly, or just a one time gift, anything is possible and welcomed. Email me to get a pledge form, and any other information you would like.
Remember, God has called us to "Go, and teach all nations," so let's be obedient. If God has called you to give to this ministry or any other, open your hearts, your minds, and your wallets to the work of Christ. Missions is a job, and they need the support of fellow believers in order to fulfill these goals which God has set before them. They have responded to the call of God to "Go" so will you help them teach all nations?